What all does the practical sessions include in the journalism department?

Asked about Amity University, Gwalior - B.A. in Journalism and Mass Communication

0 65 Views | Posted 5 years ago
Asked by Oly Banerjee

  • 6 Answers

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    Answered by

    Sujoy Tarafdar | Contributor-Level 6

    5 years ago
    Amity School of Communication (ASCO) believes in the practical approach of journalism for that there are many practical sessions that are held in the department. The advertisement production, photography sessions, radio production, editing classes and many more and not to forget the different guest lectures and seminars that help in the overall growth of the students.
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    Answered by

    shinjini saha | Contributor-Level 6

    4 years ago
    There is no private university better than Amity University for pursuing Journalism and Mass Communication course. It is one of the best university to pursue this course, as it nurtures the students and trains them for better future. Amity School of Communication there is a lot of focus on practical aspects of the courses provided, like, Photography lectures, documentary making, film theories, News anchoring, TV production, even managing, Advertisement production, mock press conferences, mock panel discussions, radio production, mock newspaper productions etc.
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    Answered by

    Anushka singh | Contributor-Level 6

    5 years ago
    No private university could be better than Amity University Gwalior, as far as journalism is concerned. It is a perfect university as it nurtures the students and trains them for better future.
    The ASCO department provides most of the practical knowledge which is a must in journalism. There is a separate studio for the students with all the equipment required.
    The faculty is supportive throughout and are super talented.
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    Answered by

    samarth mishra

    5 years ago
    For media students, Amity University, Gwalior has a studio for shooting, recording studio and print lab. They also have a monthly self-published journal -The Amitian. More stress is given on practical work than theory, so as to prepare students for professional work.
    The practical sessions include-
    Video and audio editing, digital skills, making advertisements, shooting short films and documentaries, making news and television programmes including interviews, writing for media and much more.
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    Answered by

    Saumya Singh | Contributor-Level 6

    5 years ago
    For media students Amity Gwalior has a studio for shooting, recording studio and print lab. They also have a monthly self-published journal -The Amitian. More stress is given on practical work than theory, so as to prepare students for professional work.
    Along with this, you'll be asked to make short films and documentaries, make a portfolio, photography assignments, be given to cover a news in the city, and continues shoots, news readings and packages in the studio.
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    Answered by

    Toshavi Newaskar | Contributor-Level 7

    5 years ago
    At Amity University, Gwalior, especially in Amity School of Communication there is a lot of focus on practical aspects of the courses provided.
    Photography lectures, documentary making, film theories, News anchoring, TV production, even managing, Advertisement production, mock press conferences, mock panel discussions, radio production, mock newspaper productions etc.
    These are what practicals in Amity University, Gwalior are like for journalism and mass communication.

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