In my opinion you should perhaps take a look at what area of law you think you'll go into, and then do a brief study on how the available majors will allot special information to you that will assist you in doing it. You might also wish to take a look at how those majors are currently fairing with Law Schools, what are the percentages currently being accepted in those various areas. But I would really recommend that you actually will, in all likelihood, like the areas you wish to study, because like it, or having a kind of an affinity to it, will most certainly increase the likelihood that you will do better than if you simply had a ho-hum attitude about it, that is the area being studied. Also it has been said, and is actually correct at that, that if you decided to take some major or majors just due to a pursuit to enter this or that area, the fact is that those competitive students also in those classes, and they will be competitive, because college studies are quite competitive, you will most certainly find that they will have an easier time simply because they have a natural liking for the stuff. Liking something just has the effect of allowing you work harder in a natural like way, it also just releases a bit of very valuable confidence if you happen to like the subject. Its a truer pursuit if you will. And at interview time when you are discussing subjects, etc. , with the Law School Adviser, why you decided on those courses, because it allowed you to work with better efficiency, and grow as a person, rather than forsaking yourself basically to study because at this time and place, others thought they more valuable. In time, these evaluations on whats good will go through changes anyway. Many of these colleges have their own entrance exam pathway too. There are multiple universities in India from where you can do 5 year LL.B. Like IILM University Gurugram offers BBA LL.B. & B.A. LL.B. & LL. M. with Liberal Education, Internship, Seminar, Workshops, Experiential Learning along with Inter-Disciplinary Curriculum. For more details you can check their website :