What are the different types of projects and assignments offered during the MBA programme in Risk Management at IIM Bangalore?

0 32 Views | Posted a year ago
Asked by Chandni

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    Answered by

    Chandni Arora | Contributor-Level 10

    a year ago
    Hello there! Are you curious to know about the exciting projects and assignments that the MBA programme in Risk Management at IIM Bangalore offers? Well, hold on to your hats, because there are a plethora of projects and assignments that will keep you on your toes throughout your time at IIM Bangalore. One such project is the "Institutional Risk Assessment, " where students analyze risk factors associated with institutions such as banks and insurance companies. Another exciting project is the "Scenario Analysis, " where students learn to analyze and manage risks in uncertain situations. But wait, there's more! Stude
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    Answered by

    Kajal Kumari | Contributor-Level 10

    a year ago
    MBA programs in Risk Management typically cover a range of topics related to identifying, analyzing, and managing risks faced by organizations. The programme may cover the following topics:
    Risk Identification: Identifying and categorizing different types of risks faced by organizations. Risk Analysis: Understanding the potential impact of risks on organizational goals and objectives. Risk Assessment: Evaluating the likelihood of different types of risks occurring and the potential consequences of those risks. Risk Mitigation: Developing strategies to mitigate risks and minimize their impact. Risk Monitoring and Control: Monitoring risk
  • Hello Chandni, According to one source, the Advanced Financial Risk Management Programme offered by IIM Bangalore in Risk Management includes assignments/term paper, case submission, mid-term examination, and end-term examination. Another source mentions that students at IIM Bangalore have to manage regular classes, submissions, assignments, and projects. Therefore, it can be concluded that the MBA programme in Risk Management at IIM Bangalore may include assignments, case submissions, and projects, but the specific types of projects and assignments are not available.

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