What are the major challenges faced by chemical engineers in their field of work?

0 209 Views | Posted a year ago
Asked by Chandni

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    Answered by

    Chandni Arora | Contributor-Level 10

    a year ago
    Hi there!
    - One of the biggest challenges facing chemical engineers is safety. When working with chemicals, safety is the top priority. Chemical engineers need to be experts in safety protocols, risk assessments, and emergency response procedures to protect both the environment and human health. It's like playing a game of chemical Jenga - one wrong move and the whole thing could come crashing down. - Sustainability is also a challenge for chemical engineers. They need to balance economic factors with environmental concerns to ensure chemical processes are efficient and sustainable. They need to think creatively and come up with innovat
  • Hello Chandni!Chemical engineers face various challenges in their field of work, including:
    1. Safety: Chemical engineers often work with hazardous materials and processes, including toxic chemicals, flammable gases, and high-pressure systems. Ensuring the safety of workers and the environment is a top priority. Chemical engineers must design processes that minimize the risk of accidents and work to prevent or mitigate any incidents that do occur. They also need to stay up-to-date with the latest safety regulations and ensure that their processes comply with all applicable safety standards.
    2. Sustainability: Chemical engineering has a s

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