What are the tips and tricks to crack GD-PI or WAT-PI of the top B-Schools in India?

0 482 Views | Posted 7 years ago

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    Answered by

    CAT Dreamer Crack CAT or Nothing | Guide-Level 11

    7 years ago
    You can refer following tips to prepare for GD:
    1) Try to start the conversation with one single point from your side and make sure the next person either opposes or supporting your point.
    2) Speak with loud voice, not even medium. It shows your ability to lead.
    3) Speak only if you have valid points otherwise you'll lose marks.
    4) Try to conclude the GD by yourself before 1 min towards the closing time and make sure no one speaks after your conclusion.
    1) No tricks here. Try to learn grammar if you are not good at it and try to reduce the grammar mistakes as much as possible.
    2) Do not break the word limit given in any conditio
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    Answered by

    Devesh Lathi Educational Counselor | Guide-Level 12

    7 years ago
    You need to be aware of current affairs. You can prepare certain topics and remember few facts, so that you can use them in many different places.
    You can read about exports, international relations, etc. and use them appropriately, wherever possible. In GD, you should speak at least 2-4 times, but only when you actually have a point. You need to be confident.
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    Answered by

    Trilochan Tiwari | Contributor-Level 9

    7 years ago
    One should have knowledge of current affairs. It's very important to read the newspaper on the daily basis to have an edge over competitors.
    Practicing with friends and seniors for the interview will definitely help a candidate to crack interview very smoothly.
    One should show full confidence while answering the questions. And in case we don't know the answer it's better, to tell the truth rather giving a false answer.
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    Answered by

    Nazish Khan

    7 years ago
    1. You need to stay updated with the global happenings. This time, the more stress could be on Demonetization, so you should prepare well in this area.
    2. Always try to bring facts rather than opinions, while putting your point. Opinions can be argued, but facts are to listen.
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    Answered by

    Abeer Gupta | Contributor-Level 8

    7 years ago
    For GD-WAT-PI, you need to read the newspaper daily. Competitive success, business magazines, newspapers, etc. are the main source of information. GD: Practice as many mocks as possible. It may be tough at the beginning but when you are used to it then you can turn the GD into your favor.
    WAT: On a daily basis write one page summary of the newspaper article.
    PI: Practice in front of a mirror to reduce the hesitation (if you have any), prepare for everything you have written in your CV, because of all these things, I was able to crack the interviews of IBS-H, XIME, Great Lakes-Gurgaon, GIM and IFMR.
  • A

    Answered by

    anchal k

    7 years ago
    The second stage of the selection process of B-schools is a personality assessment stage. A candidate's interests, aptitude and personality are measured through processes like group discussions, personal interview, essay writing and case discussions.
    The key elements for GD/WAT/PI preparation are:
    - Wrapping your head around the processes for GD/WAT/PI.
    - Knowing what to do and what not to do.
    - Working on the skills required for these activities
    - Gain confidence and being able to perform well.
    During a personal interview, selectors assess the candidates' aptitude and personality. They try to uncover their aspirations, motivation, strengt

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