What do you mean by state domicile? Why are they required for state engineeing exams? Is it required for all state engineering exams?

0 225 Views | Posted 7 years ago

  • 3 Answers

  • Shiksha Ask & Answer

    Answered by

    Kundan Singh Qualified CII-IPATE 2020 | GATE 2021|B.Tech(CSE) | Guide-Level 12

    7 years ago
    Domicile certificate is basically a legal document issued by the court or any other government body of the state which proves that you are a legal resident of that state. Many state government engineering entrance examinations require domicile certificate because the state government do not allow outsiders to take admission in the government engineering colleges in the state. Many have some kind of reservation like few percent of seats are reserved for the same state while few percent seats are open for other state students. Jharkhand combined entrance competitive examination (JCECE) do not allow outsiders to take admission in its gove
  • P

    Answered by

    Priyum Agrawal | Contributor-Level 10

    7 years ago
    The only purpose of state domicile is to prove that you have been a resident of the state for which you have provided the domicile for, or you must have completed your HSC education including 11th and 12th standard from the same state, or your father or mother belongs to state that you have produced the domicile for.
    It is an essential and required document for admission to various state engineering colleges because each and every state engineering college has some seats reserved for the students belonging to the state and to prevent any outsider to grab the seats
    Domicile certificate has to be presented by the state applicant for admis
  • Shiksha Ask & Answer

    Answered by

    Samarth Uttam | Contributor-Level 6

    7 years ago
    Domicile state usually refers to the state that is your permanent residence and is needed for the admission procedure in different examinations in medical as well in engineering because some colleges have some seats reserved for the students having the respective state domicile. State domicile means that you have been staying in that state for some years now and now you are eligible for the benefits provided by the state to its residents and that includes the reservation of the seats for natives different engineering and medical institutes.
    NITs have 50% weighting for outside state students and 50% weighting for in-state students. That

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