What happens after the release of the GATE answer key?

0 8 Views | Posted a year ago
Asked by Shiksha User

  • 3 Answers

  • M

    Answered by

    Muskan | Contributor-Level 10

    7 months ago

    Candidates can check the results by logging in with their email address, password, and GATE enrollment ID. With the use of the result, candidates can examine their scores out of 100, their GATE qualifying marks, their AIR, and more. It should be noted that the authorities will utilise the raw results that each candidate received on their respective GATE paper to determine the scores. The authorities will also use a normalisation strategy to documents involving many sessions. As a result, we can say that the scorecard will be accessible a few days following the announcement of the answer key and results that same day.

  • N

    Answered by

    Nidhi Prasad | Contributor-Level 10

    9 months ago

    By logging in using their GATE enrollment ID, password, and email address candidates can view the results. Candidates can check their scores out of 100, their GATE qualifying marks, their AIR, and more with the aid of the result. It should be mentioned that the raw scores obtained by the candidates in their individual GATE papers will be used by the authorities to determine the scores. Additionally, the authorities will implement a normalization approach for those papers that involve numerous sessions. Thus, we can state the scorecard will be made available a few days after the answer key and results are announced on the same day. 

  • S

    Answered by

    Shikha Goyal | Contributor-Level 10

    a year ago
    After the release of the GATE answer key, the authorities will announce the results of GATE 2024 for all the candidates who will appear in the exam. Candidates can check the result by login using their GATE enrollment ID/ email address/registration ID, and password. With the help of the result, candidates will be able to check their scores out of 100, qualifying marks for the GATE paper, All India Rank, and more. It is to be noted that the authorities will calculate the scores by using the raw scores secured by the candidates in their respective GATE papers. Also, for those papers that consist of multiple sessions, a normalisation proc

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