What is B category in EAMCET counseling?

1 Follower | 300 Views | Posted 7 years ago
Asked by Arthik katturi

  • 4 Answers

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    Answered by

    Vikash Ranjan | Guide-Level 15

    7 years ago
    The seats which are alloted under the convenor quota I.e,based on your eamcet rank and tge reservation is an A catogery seat.
    Every private college (almost all) gives some extra seats irrespective of your reservation status(oc,bs,sc,st) based on the JEE Mains score. These seats are said to be B category.
    Students opting these seats must withdraw their convenor quota seat. Students need to apply separately for their desired colleges with a nominal fee of 2 to 3k. The college fee under this quota is same as the seat aquired under convenor quota
    No special section will be there for these students. They are made to sit in the same class with
  • Shiksha Ask & Answer

    Answered by

    Dharamveer Dheer Educator at University | Scholar-Level 18

    4 years ago
    The seats which are allotted under the convener quota I. e, based on your EAMCET rank and the reservation is an A category seat. Every private college (almost all) gives some extra seats irrespective of your reservation status (OC, BS, SC, ST) based on the JEE Mains score. These seats are said to be B category. Students opting these seats must withdraw their convenor quota seat. Students need to apply separately for their desired colleges with a nominal fee of 2 to 3k. The college fee under this quota is same as the seat acquired under convenor quota.
  • Shiksha Ask & Answer

    Answered by

    Yash Singhal Knowledge is meant to be shared | Scholar-Level 17

    5 years ago
    The seats which are allotted under the convener quota i.e, based on your EAMCET rank and the reservation is an A category seat. Every private college (almost all) gives some extra seats irrespective of your reservation status (OC, BS, SC, ST) based on the JEE Mains score. These seats are said to be B category. Students opting these seats must withdraw their convener quota seat. Students need to apply separately for their desired colleges with a nominal fee of 2 to 3k. The college fee under this quota is same as the seat acquired under convenor quota.
  • S

    Answered by

    salma bee | Guide-Level 15

    5 years ago
    The seats which are allotted under the convener quota I. e, based on your EAMCET rank and the reservation is an A category seat. Every private college (almost all) gives some extra seats irrespective of your reservation status (OC, BS, SC, ST) based on the JEE Mains score. These seats are said to be B category. Students opting these seats must withdraw their convenor quota seat. Students need to apply separately for their desired colleges with a nominal fee of 2 to 3k. The college fee under this quota is same as the seat acquired under convenor quota.

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