What is Territorial Army syllabus for Elementary Maths section?

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    Answered by

    Anangsha Patra | Contributor-Level 10

    3 months ago

    Territorial Army syllabus for Elementary Maths is given below.


    Number System – natural numbers,  integers, rational and real numbers. Fundamental operations – addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, square roots, decimal fraction.

    Unitary Method


    Time and distance, time and work,  percentages, application to simple and compound interest, profit and loss, ratio and proportion, variation

    Elementary Number Theory

    Division algorithm, prime and composite numbers. Tests of divisibility by 2, 3, 4, 5, 9 & 11. Multiples and factors, factorization theorem, HCF and LCM. Euclidean algorithm, logarithms to base 10, laws of logarithms, use of logarithmic tables


    Basic operations, simple factors, remainder theorem, HCF, LCM, theory of polynomials, solutions of quadratic equations, the relation between its roots and coefficients (only real roots to be considered). Simultaneous linear equations in two unknowns-analytical and graphical solutions. Simultaneous linear equations in two variables and their solutions. Practical problems leading to two simultaneous linear equations or equations in two variables or quadratic equations in one variable and their solutions. Set language and set notation, rational expressions and conditional identities, laws of indices


    Sine x, cosine x, tangent x when O°


    Lines and angles, plane and plane figures theorems. Properties of angles at a point, Parallel lines, Sides and angles of a triangle, Congruency of triangles, Similar triangles, Concurrence of medians and altitudes, Properties of angles, sides and diagonals of a parallelogram, rectangle and square, Circle and its properties, including tangents and normal and Loci.


    Areas of squares, rectangles, parallelograms, triangle and circles. Areas of figures which can bisect into the figures (field book). Surface area and volume of cuboids, lateral surface, and volume of a right circular area of cylinders. Surface area and volume of spheres.


    Collection and tabulation of statistical data, graphical representation-frequency polygons, bar charts, pie charts, etc. Measures of central tendency.

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