Below is the Texas State University application process:
Step 1: Applicants must first go to Texas State University main page and select “apply now"
Step 2: The applicant is suppossed to select "Undergraduate apply". Now the student can decide he student can then decide if they wants to apply with Apply Texas or the Common App. Either application
portal will have the student submit a $90 application fee.
Step 3: The student can start their application by clicking on "Start your application"button on the common webpage.
Step 4: A blue screen will then appear with a list of options for the student to choose from. Applicants will then select “first
year student” if it is his/her first time to join a university.
Step 5: Applicants must create an account with common app. The applicant must provide information of their e-mail adress and create a password for this account, they also need to provide their personal details in common app.
Step 6: After this applicants need to select their university they are applying for. In our case ( click on Texas State University)
Step 7: The student will have to continue to
provide additional information under the tabs on the left-hand side of the screen (Profile, Family, Education,
Testing, Activities, Writing, and Courses & Grades. )
Step 8: . As each tab is completed, there will be a green checkmark that appears based on whether all the information is provided. If the green checkmark does not appear, it means that information is missing. Once all the tabs have a green checkmark, a “review” button will appear at the bottom of the screen. Once the student reviews the information and believes it is correct, the applicants will pay the USD 90 application fee and then it will allow the application to be submitted.
Postgraduate application process:
Below is the application process for Texas State University:
Step 1: . To begin the application process, the student will go to the main page of and will click on " Apply now"
Step 2: The student will then select “Graduate Apply”.
Step 3: Once directed to the admission page, the student should select to create account and fill their details.(under first time users)
Step 4: After completing their account details. The student will then receive a temporary pin to the email address and create a pasword as well listed to continue the login process.
Step 5: After the login details are set, applicants must strart their application.
Step 6: Applicants must fill their details again, with your chosen course in the university. Applicants can apply more than 1 institution. (Then they must add information about accomidation and guidance status)
Step 7: The student will then be able to review the application before submitting. (Example shown below)
After the student approves that the application is accurate, he/she will be able to click “submit”