What is the category-wise seat intake in various courses at IIT Bombay?

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    Answered by

    Manisha Kumari | Contributor-Level 10

    2 months ago

    Candidates can check out the courses wise seat intake in IIT Bombay from here:

    Minimum Educational Qualifications (MEQs)
    Essential subjects in Bachelor's Degree along with minimum duration
    GGGeology for three years/six semesters and any two subjects among Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biological Science.1414091603038
    PHPhysics and Mathematics/ Mathematical Physics for two years/four semesters and at least one of them as subject for three years/six semesters.712050302020
    MSNo Restrictions.18150121704048
    BTAny Branch/Subject.1314081503035
    CYChemistry for three years/six semesters and Mathematics for one year/two semesters.22160141814057
    MANo Restrictions.1414091603038
    PHB.Sc./B.S. degree, Physics for at least two years/four semesters and Mathematics for at least one year/two semesters.
    No restrictions for engineering degrees.
    MANo Restrictions.30102010018
    MSNo Restrictions.30102010007
    CYB.Sc. or equivalent of minimum three years duration, with any one of Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics for two years/four semesters and any one of the remaining two subjects for at least one year/two semesters.40102010109
    MAB.Sc. or equivalent of minimum three years duration, with any one of Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics for two years/four semesters and any one of the remaining two subjects for at least one year/two semesters.10002010004
    PHB.Sc. or equivalent of minimum three years duration, with any one of Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics for two years/four semesters and any one of the remaining two subjects for at least one year/two semesters.40012010109
    BTAny one of Biology, Biotechnology, Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics for two years/four semesters, and any one of the other four subjects for at least one year/two semesters and Mathematics for at least one semester.10001010003
    CYAny one of Biology, Biotechnology, Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics for two years/four semesters, and any one of the other four subjects for at least one year/two semesters and Mathematics for at least one semester.20001010105
    PHAny one of Biology, Biotechnology, Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics for two years/four semesters, and any one of the other four subjects for at least one year/two semesters and Mathematics for at least one semester.10001000002
    MAAny one of Biology, Biotechnology, Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics for two years/four semesters, and any one of the other four subjects for at least one year/two semesters and Mathematics for at least one semester.10010000002


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