What is the difference between a chef and a cook?

1 Follower | 155 Views | Posted 9 years ago
Asked by dheeraj k

  • 5 Answers

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    Answered by

    Megha Gupta | Guide-Level 13

    9 years ago
    Hi Dheeraj,
    The word 'chef' is the short form of the French 'chef de cuisine', meaning 'chief of the kitchen'. And as the chief, he has many people working under him including several cooks. Usually in our homes, a 'cook' toils on his/her own!
    Perhaps much more important, a chef gets paid a lot more than a cook.
    Chefs can, and often are, called "cooks". The one distinguishing factor is that a chef has earned a degree from a culinary arts school. Without that degree, one cannot earn the title "chef". Yes, they basically perform the same job, but typically a chef is more specialized and has a wider knowledge base of all activities involvin
  • Shiksha Ask & Answer

    Answered by

    Dinesh Rawat | Contributor-Level 7

    8 years ago
    A chef have a command over all the cooks. His jobs is to:
    1. Plan a thing.
    2. Execute it.
    3. Manage the team and
    4. Manage the challenges.
    A cook works under a chef's instruction.
  • Shiksha Ask & Answer

    Answered by

    Amul Tamboli Nothing is impossible in this world.. | Contributor-Level 7

    8 years ago
    A chef is a professional cook. Though both do the same job. Chef sounds like a professionally educated person.
  • Shiksha Ask & Answer

    Answered by

    Harender Bisht | Guide-Level 12

    9 years ago
    Dear Dheeraj,
    The word 'chef' is the short form of the French 'chef de cuisine', meaning 'chief of the kitchen'. And as the chief, he has many people working under him — including several cooks. Usually in our homes, a 'cook' toils on his/her own! Perhaps much more important, a chef gets paid a lot more than a cook
    Most people agree that a cook is lower-ranking than a chef, and that chefs themselves vary in rank. For example, an executive chef is the top of the line, while sous chefs, chefs de partie, and other professionals might have the right training, but are still working toward their top professional goals.
    If you still aren't
  • M

    Answered by

    Manali Barad | Contributor-Level 9

    5 years ago
    If you have a culinary degree and/or trained under a notable chef and have moved up the ranks, you are typically considered a chef. If you simply dabble in the kitchen at home or are just starting out at the bottom of the restaurant totem pole, you are almost always considered a cook.

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