What is the difference between cyber media and digital media?

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    Answered by

    Pallavi | Contributor-Level 10

    3 months ago

    The terms "cyber media" and "digital media" are often used interchangeably, but they can have slightly different connotations depending on the context. Here’s a breakdown of the differences:


    Cyber Media

    Digital Media


    Cyber media generally refers to media content and communication that are specifically associated with or distributed via the internet and online platforms. This includes websites, social media, online forums, blogs, and other forms of content that exist in cyberspace

    Digital media encompasses all forms of media that are created, stored, and distributed in digital format. This includes not only internet-based content but also digital formats of traditional media such as digital television, digital radio, e-books, and digital audio files.



    Cyber media emphasizes the role of the internet and the interactive, often real-time nature of online communication. It’s a subset of digital media that focuses on digital platforms and the online environment.

    Digital media is a broader category that covers all media content in a digital format, regardless of the distribution method. It includes both online and offline digital formats.


    It often involves interactive and user-generated content. It also includes elements such as email, instant messaging, and online communities.


    It involves media that can be accessed through digital devices, including computers, smartphones, tablets, and digital TVs. It can be static (e.g., digital photos, e-books) or dynamic (e.g., streaming video, interactive applications).

    In essence, all cyber media is digital media, but not all digital media is necessarily classified as cyber media.

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