What is the difference between MBA (general) and MBA (honors)?

0 3k Views | Posted 6 years ago

  • 3 Answers

  • Dear Mayank,
    The Ist difference between MBA (gen.) and MBA (hons.) lies in the eligibility.
    The IInd difference is MBA (gen.) doesn't have pre-term whereas MBA (hons.) has pre-term where sessions on industry sector analysis, business terminology, world associations, leadership and team building, companies that have changed the world, business leaders and thinkers, successful entrepreneurs, etc. before the start of regular classes to build a common foundation for management education.
    The IIIrd difference is MBA (gen.) doesn't have any activities but MBA (gen.) is having activities like Regular experiential learning activities like, works
  • P

    Answered by

    Pallavi Sharma | Contributor-Level 10

    2 years ago
    As per my understanding, The first two years of both types of degrees are the same; however, after that, students who pursue the honours route will complete more advanced subjects and a dissertation in their last year, while students who choose to do the general degree will complete their third year at a lower level of specialisation. Top colleges in India provide good faculty members and placement for sure. But finding the top colleges with good faculty and placements - and to get admitted in one of them would be a mindful task. However if we have already taken the guts to decide to go for MBA after our graduation- finding a good coll
  • Shiksha Ask & Answer

    Answered by

    Manish Motwani | Guide-Level 14

    6 years ago
    For all courses generally, Hons. is different in a way from normal degree, as it includes a specialization with it. The concept of simple and the Hons. Degree is present in technical degrees, such as B.Tech also, where they will have one subject extra throughout the semester (which will be the specialization other than the core subjects).

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