What is the dress code at Chitkara University, Chandigarh?

0 1.1k Views | Posted a year ago
Asked by sandhya

  • 4 Answers

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  • A

    Answered by

    Aryan Sodhi

    4 months ago

    The dress code the students of Chitkara University is, a red and a black color tshirt which the students can wear according to their choice with a pair of jeans but a decent one. This attire is for summer season where as if I have to talk about the winters, there is this super comfortable hoodie of black and grey colour which we can pair with any jeans. The uniforms really makes us look smart and it saves my time from deciding which outfit to wear to the college everyday. The sense of decency is maintained with dress code in the university.

  • H

    Answered by

    Harneet kaur

    a year ago

    Chitkara University, Chandigarh has a mandatory dress code where students are required to wear university-provided T-shirts/Hoodies with either black or blue jeans. The dress code fosters a sense of unity, professionalism, and pride among students, contributing to a safe and orderly campus environment. It prepares students for the professional world while promoting a positive and productive learning atmosphere. Complying with the dress code is crucial for maintaining a respectful and disciplined campus image, attracting top talent and corporate partnerships.

  • M

    Answered by

    Madhav Aggarwal

    a year ago
    Chitkara University does follow a dress code wherein the students are expected to wear the university T-shirts/Hoodies with a pair of either black or blue jeans. The t-shirts/ hoodies are provided to each student by the university itself.
  • P

    Answered by

    Prachi Beriwal | Contributor-Level 10

    a year ago
    Chitkara University, Chandigarh does not have a strict dress code for students. However, students are expected to dress in a decent and appropriate manner, especially when attending formal events or meetings with faculty or staff members. Students are encouraged to wear comfortable and casual clothing for regular classes, but they should avoid wearing revealing or offensive clothing. Additionally, some programs or courses may have specific dress requirements for lab or practical sessions, and students will be informed of these requirements by their respective faculty members. Overall, the university expects students to dress in a profe

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