What is the eligibility & admission process for VC++? What are the benefits of pursuing the same?

0 59 Views | Posted 6 years ago

  • 3 Answers

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    Answered by

    Siddharth Bhardwaj Quantitative Analyst (Credit Risk) | Guide-Level 14

    6 years ago
    The full name of the product is Microsoft Visual C+, which is sometimes abbreviated as MSVC or VC+.
    Yes, there are many benefits of doing VC+. But the fact is that it is not easy to learn. It is much difficult as compared to C, C+.
    Visual C+ is part of the general C suite of programming language often used for many different types of development projects.
    The learning of VC+ is very essential, as it is a job oriented course. However, there is no specific eligibility criteria or any prerequisite to learn VC+. You should to be pursuing or must have passed your Bachelors or Masters in computer science or IT related field. The benefits
  • Shiksha Ask & Answer

    Answered by

    VISHNU AGARWAL | Contributor-Level 10

    6 years ago
    VC+ is an application framework designed for rapid Windows development. Visual C+ for Intel x86, Alpha, and PowerPC are all Windows NT-based. They are designed to be portable among each other. VC+'s job is to make C+ code universal on these platforms by wrapping the system-dependent code, such as messages, and your applications should port easily among the platforms. In most cases, a Visual C+ application created in the development environment on one of these platforms can be opened in the development environment on another platform and the conversion is done automatically.
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    Answered by

    Rishi Broto Chakraborty | Guide-Level 15

    6 years ago
    Visual C+, abbreviated as VC+ is an IDE for C, C+, C+/CLI. In simple words, it can handle various programming languages under one platform. This helps a programmer in many ways. Firstly, a programmer does not need to install a bunch of applications to work with different programming languages. Secondly, if a programmer is working on a code which uses more than one programming language, an IDE helps to link them with minimum complexity involved. Many computer training institutes provide training on it. The admission criteria, eligibility, and process vary from one institute to another. In general, a basic knowledge of programming

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