My dear Now a days These Specialized Degrees are also not giving top quality job. Through Degree now a days u will not get practical knowledge which is going on in industry. Degree's are having their old tradition ed Theory based paper that can be clear by Rutta Fication. Industry Wants Specialized Professionals with Practical Knowledge.
Do u think that Microsoft Require any affiliation from any University? I think No. Because All the College purchase License from Microsoft. So If Microsoft will take an exam and make some one Certified as Microsoft Certified Professional or Engineer then This International Certification will be accepted
My dear Now a days These Specialized Degrees are also not giving top quality job. Through Degree now a days u will not get practical knowledge which is going on in industry. Degree's are having their old tradition ed Theory based paper that can be clear by Rutta Fication. Industry Wants Specialized Professionals with Practical Knowledge.
Do u think that Microsoft Require any affiliation from any University? I think No. Because All the College purchase License from Microsoft. So If Microsoft will take an exam and make some one Certified as Microsoft Certified Professional or Engineer then This International Certification will be accepted by the Industry or ur so called specialized Degree?
Now a days one must have to choose the line where he/she wants to make the career in IT lines. Here are some specialized job requirement in the Industry like System Admin, Network Admin, Security Admin, Database Admin, Virtualization Admin, Data center Admin, Web Developer, Internet Security Specialist, Software Developer and many more. These looks to be very high profile Job. If a person start career from this level Money no issue for him. As the experience grows Salary grows exponentially.
There are some International Certifications which get embossed on the degree as well. like MCSE, MCITP, MCSD, (Microsoft), RHCSA, RHCE, RHCSS, RHCVA, RHCA, RHDBA, (Red Hat Linux), CCNA, CCNP, CCSP, CCIE (Cisco Systems) OCP, DBA (Oracle), SCJP (JAVA), SCSA (Sun Microsystem) and many more.
These are technology providing companies and industry runs on these technologies. So When Industry requires Professionals then they will look for the Certified Professional for Specialized stream not by the Degree.