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What is the fee for UG courses at IHM Hyderabad?
1 Answer
The Fee Structure of Courses at IIM Hyderabad is as follows:
Course Term Admin
AsstTotal Grand
TotalBSC 1 - YEAR I - Sem 1600 13000 8000 52500 --- 3000 5000 83100 II - Sem --- --- --- 59625 --- 3000 5000 --- 67625 150725 II - YEAR III - Sem --- --- --- 50750 12700 2500 1500 --- 67450 IV - Sem --- --- --- 50750 --- 2500 2000 --- 55250 122700 III - YEAR V - Sem --- --- --- 58250 12700 2500 3000 1000 77450 VI - Sem --- --- --- 58250 --- 2500 3000 1000 64750 142200 F.P.P I - Sem 1500 900 3000 35000 ? 2500 --- --- 42900 II - Sem --- --- --- 35000 --- 2500 2600 --- 40100 83000 C.F & B.S . 1 - Term 1500 300 2500 25000 --- 2500 1500 --- 33300 33300 MSC 1 - YEAR I - Sem 1800 12400 5000 52500 --- 2500 5000 --- 79200 II - Sem --- --- --- 58750 -- 2500 5000 --- 66250 145450 II - YEAR I - Sem --- --- --- 50000 10000 2000 5000 1000 68000 Il - Sem --- --- --- 43750 10000 2000 5000 1000 61750 129750 The Hostel Fee Structure is as follows:
For 1st,2nd,3rd year BSc, 1st& 2nd year MSc & Craft Students Course Term Mainte
nanceSeat Ele & Estt . Mess Total Grand Rent Water Charges Charges Total All I - Sem 3500 8000 8000 3500 17000 40000 80000 Il - Sem 3500 8000 8000 3500 17000 40000 I would like to suggest you visit the official website for the latest fee structure updates.
<p>The Fee Structure of Courses at IIM Hyderabad is as follows: </p><table style="height: 517.6px;" border="0" width="831" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><colgroup><col span="12" width="64"></colgroup><tbody><tr style="height: 0.399998px;"><td style="height: 47.2px;" rowspan="2" height="19">Course</td><td style="height: 47.2px;" rowspan="2">Term</td><td style="height: 47.2px;" rowspan="2">Admin<br>Fee</td><td style="height: 47.2px;" rowspan="2">Enrolment<br>Fee</td><td style="height: 47.2px;" rowspan="2">Caution<br>Deposit</td><td style="height: 47.2px;" rowspan="2">Tuition<br>Fee</td><td style="height: 47.2px;" rowspan="2">IGNOU<br>Fee</td><td style="height: 47.2px;" rowspan="2">Exam<br>Fee</td><td style="height: 47.2px;" rowspan="2">Other<br>Fee</td><td style="height: 47.2px;" rowspan="2">Campus<br>Asst</td><td style="height: 47.2px;" rowspan="2">Total</td><td style="height: 47.2px;" rowspan="2">Grand<br>Total</td></tr><tr style="height: 46.8px;"></tr><tr style="height: 22.4px;"><td style="height: 22.4px;" height="19"><strong>BSC</strong></td><td style="height: 22.4px;"> </td><td style="height: 22.4px;"> </td><td style="height: 22.4px;"> </td><td style="height: 22.4px;"> </td><td style="height: 22.4px;"> </td><td style="height: 22.4px;"> </td><td style="height: 22.4px;"> </td><td style="height: 22.4px;"> </td><td style="height: 22.4px;"> </td><td style="height: 22.4px;"> </td><td style="height: 22.4px;"> </td></tr><tr style="height: 22.4px;"><td style="height: 22.4px;" height="19">1 - YEAR</td><td style="height: 22.4px;">I - Sem</td><td style="height: 22.4px;">1600</td><td style="height: 22.4px;">13000</td><td style="height: 22.4px;">8000</td><td style="height: 22.4px;">52500</td><td style="height: 22.4px;">---</td><td style="height: 22.4px;">3000</td><td style="height: 22.4px;">5000</td><td style="height: 22.4px;"> </td><td style="height: 22.4px;">83100</td><td style="height: 22.4px;"> </td></tr><tr style="height: 22.4px;"><td style="height: 22.4px;" height="19"> </td><td style="height: 22.4px;">II - Sem</td><td style="height: 22.4px;">---</td><td style="height: 22.4px;">---</td><td style="height: 22.4px;">---</td><td style="height: 22.4px;">59625</td><td style="height: 22.4px;">---</td><td style="height: 22.4px;">3000</td><td style="height: 22.4px;">5000</td><td style="height: 22.4px;">---</td><td style="height: 22.4px;">67625</td><td style="height: 22.4px;">150725</td></tr><tr style="height: 22.4px;"><td style="height: 22.4px;" height="19"> </td><td style="height: 22.4px;"> </td><td style="height: 22.4px;"> </td><td style="height: 22.4px;"> </td><td style="height: 22.4px;"> </td><td style="height: 22.4px;"> </td><td style="height: 22.4px;"> </td><td style="height: 22.4px;"> </td><td style="height: 22.4px;"> </td><td style="height: 22.4px;"> </td><td style="height: 22.4px;"> </td><td style="height: 22.4px;"> </td></tr><tr style="height: 22.4px;"><td style="height: 22.4px;" height="19">II - YEAR</td><td style="height: 22.4px;">III - Sem</td><td style="height: 22.4px;">---</td><td style="height: 22.4px;">---</td><td style="height: 22.4px;">---</td><td style="height: 22.4px;">50750</td><td style="height: 22.4px;">12700</td><td style="height: 22.4px;">2500</td><td style="height: 22.4px;">1500</td><td style="height: 22.4px;">---</td><td style="height: 22.4px;">67450</td><td style="height: 22.4px;"> </td></tr><tr style="height: 22.4px;"><td style="height: 22.4px;" height="19"> </td><td style="height: 22.4px;">IV - Sem</td><td style="height: 22.4px;">---</td><td style="height: 22.4px;">---</td><td style="height: 22.4px;">---</td><td style="height: 22.4px;">50750</td><td style="height: 22.4px;">---</td><td style="height: 22.4px;">2500</td><td style="height: 22.4px;">2000</td><td style="height: 22.4px;">---</td><td style="height: 22.4px;">55250</td><td style="height: 22.4px;">122700</td></tr><tr style="height: 22.4px;"><td style="height: 22.4px;" height="19"> </td><td style="height: 22.4px;"> </td><td style="height: 22.4px;"> </td><td style="height: 22.4px;"> </td><td style="height: 22.4px;"> </td><td style="height: 22.4px;"> </td><td style="height: 22.4px;"> </td><td style="height: 22.4px;"> </td><td style="height: 22.4px;"> </td><td style="height: 22.4px;"> </td><td style="height: 22.4px;"> </td><td style="height: 22.4px;"> </td></tr><tr style="height: 22.4px;"><td style="height: 22.4px;" height="19">III - YEAR</td><td style="height: 22.4px;">V - Sem</td><td style="height: 22.4px;">---</td><td style="height: 22.4px;">---</td><td style="height: 22.4px;">---</td><td style="height: 22.4px;">58250</td><td style="height: 22.4px;">12700</td><td style="height: 22.4px;">2500</td><td style="height: 22.4px;">3000</td><td style="height: 22.4px;">1000</td><td style="height: 22.4px;">77450</td><td style="height: 22.4px;"> </td></tr><tr style="height: 22.4px;"><td style="height: 22.4px;" height="19"> </td><td style="height: 22.4px;">VI - Sem</td><td style="height: 22.4px;">---</td><td style="height: 22.4px;">---</td><td style="height: 22.4px;">---</td><td style="height: 22.4px;">58250</td><td style="height: 22.4px;">---</td><td style="height: 22.4px;">2500</td><td style="height: 22.4px;">3000</td><td style="height: 22.4px;">1000</td><td style="height: 22.4px;">64750</td><td style="height: 22.4px;">142200</td></tr><tr style="height: 22.4px;"><td style="height: 22.4px;" height="19"> </td><td style="height: 22.4px;"> </td><td style="height: 22.4px;"> </td><td style="height: 22.4px;"> </td><td style="height: 22.4px;"> </td><td style="height: 22.4px;"> </td><td style="height: 22.4px;"> </td><td style="height: 22.4px;"> </td><td style="height: 22.4px;"> </td><td style="height: 22.4px;"> </td><td style="height: 22.4px;"> </td><td style="height: 22.4px;"> </td></tr><tr style="height: 22.4px;"><td style="height: 22.4px;" height="19">F.P.P</td><td style="height: 22.4px;">I - Sem</td><td style="height: 22.4px;">1500</td><td style="height: 22.4px;">900</td><td style="height: 22.4px;">3000</td><td style="height: 22.4px;">35000</td><td style="height: 22.4px;">?</td><td style="height: 22.4px;">2500</td><td style="height: 22.4px;">---</td><td style="height: 22.4px;">---</td><td style="height: 22.4px;">42900</td><td style="height: 22.4px;"> </td></tr><tr style="height: 22.4px;"><td style="height: 22.4px;" height="19"> </td><td style="height: 22.4px;">II - Sem</td><td style="height: 22.4px;">---</td><td style="height: 22.4px;">---</td><td style="height: 22.4px;">---</td><td style="height: 22.4px;">35000</td><td style="height: 22.4px;">---</td><td style="height: 22.4px;">2500</td><td style="height: 22.4px;">2600</td><td style="height: 22.4px;">---</td><td style="height: 22.4px;">40100</td><td style="height: 22.4px;">83000</td></tr><tr style="height: 22.4px;"><td style="height: 22.4px;" height="19"> </td><td style="height: 22.4px;"> </td><td style="height: 22.4px;"> </td><td style="height: 22.4px;"> </td><td style="height: 22.4px;"> </td><td style="height: 22.4px;"> </td><td style="height: 22.4px;"> </td><td style="height: 22.4px;"> </td><td style="height: 22.4px;"> </td><td style="height: 22.4px;"> </td><td style="height: 22.4px;"> </td><td style="height: 22.4px;"> </td></tr><tr style="height: 44.8px;"><td style="height: 44.8px;" height="19"><strong>C.F & B.S .</strong></td><td style="height: 44.8px;">1 - Term</td><td style="height: 44.8px;">1500</td><td style="height: 44.8px;">300</td><td style="height: 44.8px;">2500</td><td style="height: 44.8px;">25000</td><td style="height: 44.8px;">---</td><td style="height: 44.8px;">2500</td><td style="height: 44.8px;">1500</td><td style="height: 44.8px;">---</td><td style="height: 44.8px;">33300</td><td style="height: 44.8px;">33300</td></tr><tr style="height: 22.4px;"><td style="height: 22.4px;" height="19"><strong>MSC</strong></td><td style="height: 22.4px;"> </td><td style="height: 22.4px;"> </td><td style="height: 22.4px;"> </td><td style="height: 22.4px;"> </td><td style="height: 22.4px;"> </td><td style="height: 22.4px;"> </td><td style="height: 22.4px;"> </td><td style="height: 22.4px;"> </td><td style="height: 22.4px;"> </td><td style="height: 22.4px;"> </td><td style="height: 22.4px;"> </td></tr><tr style="height: 22.4px;"><td style="height: 22.4px;" height="19">1 - YEAR</td><td style="height: 22.4px;">I - Sem</td><td style="height: 22.4px;">1800</td><td style="height: 22.4px;">12400</td><td style="height: 22.4px;">5000</td><td style="height: 22.4px;">52500</td><td style="height: 22.4px;">---</td><td style="height: 22.4px;">2500</td><td style="height: 22.4px;">5000</td><td style="height: 22.4px;">---</td><td style="height: 22.4px;">79200</td><td style="height: 22.4px;"> </td></tr><tr style="height: 22.4px;"><td style="height: 22.4px;" height="19"> </td><td style="height: 22.4px;">II - Sem</td><td style="height: 22.4px;">---</td><td style="height: 22.4px;">---</td><td style="height: 22.4px;">---</td><td style="height: 22.4px;">58750</td><td style="height: 22.4px;">--</td><td style="height: 22.4px;">2500</td><td style="height: 22.4px;">5000</td><td style="height: 22.4px;">---</td><td style="height: 22.4px;">66250</td><td style="height: 22.4px;">145450</td></tr><tr style="height: 22.4px;"><td style="height: 22.4px;" height="19"> </td><td style="height: 22.4px;"> </td><td style="height: 22.4px;"> </td><td style="height: 22.4px;"> </td><td style="height: 22.4px;"> </td><td style="height: 22.4px;"> </td><td style="height: 22.4px;"> </td><td style="height: 22.4px;"> </td><td style="height: 22.4px;"> </td><td style="height: 22.4px;"> </td><td style="height: 22.4px;"> </td><td style="height: 22.4px;"> </td></tr><tr style="height: 22.4px;"><td style="height: 22.4px;" height="19">II - YEAR</td><td style="height: 22.4px;">I - Sem</td><td style="height: 22.4px;">---</td><td style="height: 22.4px;">---</td><td style="height: 22.4px;">---</td><td style="height: 22.4px;">50000</td><td style="height: 22.4px;">10000</td><td style="height: 22.4px;">2000</td><td style="height: 22.4px;">5000</td><td style="height: 22.4px;">1000</td><td style="height: 22.4px;">68000</td><td style="height: 22.4px;"> </td></tr><tr style="height: 22.4px;"><td style="height: 22.4px;" height="19"> </td><td style="height: 22.4px;">Il - Sem</td><td style="height: 22.4px;">---</td><td style="height: 22.4px;">---</td><td style="height: 22.4px;">---</td><td style="height: 22.4px;">43750</td><td style="height: 22.4px;">10000</td><td style="height: 22.4px;">2000</td><td style="height: 22.4px;">5000</td><td style="height: 22.4px;">1000</td><td style="height: 22.4px;">61750</td><td style="height: 22.4px;">129750</td></tr></tbody></table><p>The Hostel Fee Structure is as follows: </p><table border="0" width="625" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><colgroup><col span="9" width="64"></colgroup><tbody><tr><td colspan="9" width="64" height="19">For 1st,2nd,3rd year BSc, 1st& 2nd year MSc & Craft Students</td></tr><tr><td height="19">Course</td><td>Term</td><td rowspan="2">Mainte<br>nance</td><td>Seat</td><td>Ele &</td><td>Estt .</td><td>Mess</td><td>Total</td><td>Grand</td></tr><tr><td height="19"> </td><td> </td><td>Rent</td><td>Water</td><td>Charges</td><td>Charges</td><td> </td><td>Total</td></tr><tr><td height="19"> </td><td> </td><td> </td><td> </td><td> </td><td> </td><td> </td><td> </td><td> </td></tr><tr><td height="19">All</td><td>I - Sem</td><td>3500</td><td>8000</td><td>8000</td><td>3500</td><td>17000</td><td>40000</td><td rowspan="2">80000</td></tr><tr><td height="19"> </td><td>Il - Sem</td><td>3500</td><td>8000</td><td>8000</td><td>3500</td><td>17000</td><td>40000</td></tr></tbody></table><p>I would like to suggest you visit the official website for the latest fee structure updates.</p>
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