What is the importance of NITs and IITs than that of other colleges?

0 1.6k Views | Posted 5 years ago

  • 2 Answers

  • Shiksha Ask & Answer

    Answered by

    Shriya Chaubey | Guide-Level 12

    5 years ago
    Here are the advantages I can think of :
    1. You're at a sweet spot in terms of competition. The culture isn't as competitive as IITs but way better than local engineering campuses.
    2. You get as many opportunities to learn as you get in any IITs
    3. Education is cheaper. Practically Free. In some cases even cheaper than IITs although if the recent bills are passed the cost is likely to rise.
    4. Lot of scholarship opportunities - both merit and need based. There are few student grants also.
    5. Placement statistics of top NITs are at least comparable to that of IITs
    6. Most NITs are located far from Mega Cities unlike IITs. This has uniqu
  • Shiksha Ask & Answer

    Answered by

    sahil chauhan | Contributor-Level 10

    5 years ago
    Here are the advantages I can think of :
    1. You're at a sweet spot in terms of competition. The culture isn't as competitive as IITs but way better than local engineering campuses.
    2. You get as many opportunities to learn as you get in any IITs
    3. Education is cheaper. Practically Free. In some cases even cheaper than IITs although if the recent bills are passed the cost is likely to rise.
    4. Lot of scholarship opportunities - both merit and need based. There are few student grants also.
    5. Placement statistics of top NITs are at least comparable to that of IITs
    6. Most NITs are located far from Mega Cities unlike IITs. This has uniqu

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