When we think about a career in agriculture, we imagine a farmer working in the field, or riding a tractor. In today age of technology, it's not always like that. Agriculture is a big industry, and most of the careers are related to Science and/or business. The agriculture industry plays a major role in the Indian economy by contributing approximately 15-20% of the GDP (Sources: IBEF & WebIndia123). Hence, if you have the passion, skills and knowledge, there are several opportunities. The study of agriculture is called agricultural science or agricultural technology. The field combines the natural and social sciences, along with econom
When we think about a career in agriculture, we imagine a farmer working in the field, or riding a tractor. In today age of technology, it's not always like that. Agriculture is a big industry, and most of the careers are related to Science and/or business. The agriculture industry plays a major role in the Indian economy by contributing approximately 15-20% of the GDP (Sources: IBEF & WebIndia123). Hence, if you have the passion, skills and knowledge, there are several opportunities. The study of agriculture is called agricultural science or agricultural technology. The field combines the natural and social sciences, along with economics, engineering and management (particularly natural resources management and business management) of biological systems to practice, development and understands the fields of agriculture and forestry. Being related to the field of life & biological sciences, agricultural science is multidisciplinary and inter-related to food science & technology. Agricultural science uses the fundamentals of biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics and statistics to solve the problems of agriculture-food industry. But, students also need to study economics and business management at the undergraduate level. With a degree in agricultural science, you can have careers in the agricultural sector. Major domains within the agricultural sector include agribusiness, R&D organizations, public and private agencies, government and policy-making agencies, and private consulting companies. Agricultural Science involves research and development on production, processing, the productivity of crops and end products for consumers. Agricultural Science professionals play a vital role towards maintaining food supply of the society. Major activities include improving the quality and quantity of farming, improving crop yield, minimizing labour, conservation of soil and water, and pest control.