For First year, Semester 1
Topics under Molecular biology:
1 Genome Structure and organisation
Definition and organisation of viral, prokaryotic and eukaryotic genomes:
Structure of chromatin, nucleosome, chromatin organisation and remodeling, higher
order organisation- chromosome, centromere, telomere. Histones and their effect on structure and function of chromatin. C value paradox and genome size, Cot curves, repetitive and non-repetitive
DNA sequences, satellite DNA, DNA melting and buoyant density. Gene families, clusters, Pseudogenes, super-families, Organelle genomes
2 Mobile DNA elements
Transposable elements in bacteria, IS elements,
For First year, Semester 1
Topics under Molecular biology:
1 Genome Structure and organisation
Definition and organisation of viral, prokaryotic and eukaryotic genomes:
Structure of chromatin, nucleosome, chromatin organisation and remodeling, higher
order organisation- chromosome, centromere, telomere. Histones and their effect on structure and function of chromatin. C value paradox and genome size, Cot curves, repetitive and non-repetitive
DNA sequences, satellite DNA, DNA melting and buoyant density. Gene families, clusters, Pseudogenes, super-families, Organelle genomes
2 Mobile DNA elements
Transposable elements in bacteria, IS elements, composite transposons, replicative and non-replicative transposons, Mu transposition, p-elements, Controlling elements in TnA and Tamil Nadu 10 transposition. SINES and LINES, retrotransposons
3 DNA damage and Repair
Types of DNA damage, DNA repair mechanisms- nucleotide excision repair, base
excision repair, mismatch repair, recombination repair, double strand break repair, transcriptional coupled repair
4 Recombination
Homologous and site-specific recombination, models for homologous
recombination- Holiday junction, NHEJ
Proteins involved in recombination- RecA, RuvA, B, C, Gene conversion
5 DNA Replication and Regulation
DNA polymerases and mechanisms of DNA replication in prokaryotes and
DNA replication models, connection of replication to cell cycle, Gene amplification (rRNA)
Reverse Transcriptase
6 Gene Expression and Regulation in Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes
Transcription: Basic mechanism in prokaryotes and eukaryotes. RNA Polymerases, pseudo-ORFs
Chromatin remodeling in relation to gene expression, DNase hypersensitivity, DNA
methylation. Regulation of transcription including transcription factors. Post-transcriptional processing and transport of RNA. Non coding RNAs, organisation and structure-function of ribonucleoproteins (Ribonome concept).
7 Protein Synthesis and Regulation
Components of protein synthesis, Mechanism of protein synthesis, Genetic code, codon usage, Regulation of protein synthesis.