Relationship of Sociology with other social sciences
(Anthropology, Economics, Political Science, Psychology)
Basic concepts: Society, community, association, institution, culture, social groups
Classical Sociological Theories
Contributions of key thinkers:
Karl Marx: Class struggle, historical materialism
Émile Durkheim: Division of labour, social facts, suicide
Max Weber: Bureaucracy, authority, Protestant ethic and spirit of capitalism
Early sociological traditions and their influence
Indian Society
Features of Indian society: Diversity, unity, pluralism
Caste system and social stratification
Tribal societies in India
Rural and urban communities
Gender issues and social reform movements in India
Social Stratification and Mobility
Theories of social stratification (functional and conflict perspectives)
Caste, class, and status
Social mobility: types and factors influencing mobility
Sociology of Family, Marriage, and Kinship
Types of family: Nuclear, joint, extended
Functions of family and changes in family structure
Patterns of marriage and kinship in different societies
Sociology of Religion
Power, authority, and legitimacy (Weber's theory of authority)
State and civil society
Types of political systems (democracy, authoritarianism, totalitarianism)
Political participation, political parties, and social movements
Economic Sociology
Relationship between economy and society
Work, labour, and capitalism
Industrialisation and its impact on society
Globalisation and economic change
Urban and Rural Sociology
Characteristics of rural and urban societies
Urbanisation and its social impact
Rural social structure, agrarian issues, and social movements
Migration and its social consequences
Sociology of Gender
Poverty, inequality, unemployment
Crime and deviance
Communalism, regionalism, casteism, and terrorism
Health, education, and sanitation issues in India
Environmental Sociology
Society and environment: Theories and perspectives
Environmental movements and sustainability
Environmental policies and their social implications
Climate change and its impact on society
Contemporary Sociological Theories
Structuralism, post-structuralism, and post-modernism
Critical theory, feminism, and intersectionality
Globalisation and social theory
Social Movements
Definition and types of social movements (revolutionary, reformist, etc.)
Theories of social movements
Social movements in India: Dalit movement, feminist movement, environmental movement
Population Studies
Demographic theories and population studies
Population growth, migration, and urbanisation
Population policies and family planning
Sociology of Health and Medicine
Health as a social phenomenon
Sociological perspectives on health and illness
Healthcare systems and inequality
<p>The URATPG sociology syllabus is mentioned below: </p><table style="border-collapse: collapse; width: 100.053%; height: 985.416px;" border="1"><colgroup><col style="width: 49.8896%;"><col style="width: 49.8896%;"></colgroup><tbody><tr style="height: 22.3958px;"><th style="height: 22.3958px;">Topics</th><th style="height: 22.3958px;">Description</th></tr><tr style="height: 111.979px;"><td style="height: 111.979px;">Introduction to Sociology</td><td style="height: 111.979px;"><ul><li>Definition, scope, and importance of Sociology</li><li>Relationship of Sociology with other social sciences</li><li>(Anthropology, Economics, Political Science, Psychology)</li><li>Basic concepts: Society, community, association, institution, culture, social groups</li></ul></td></tr><tr style="height: 134.375px;"><td style="height: 134.375px;">Classical Sociological Theories</td><td style="height: 134.375px;"><ul><li>Contributions of key thinkers: </li><li>Karl Marx: Class struggle, historical materialism</li><li>Émile Durkheim: Division of labour, social facts, suicide</li><li>Max Weber: Bureaucracy, authority, Protestant ethic and spirit of capitalism</li><li>Early sociological traditions and their influence</li></ul></td></tr><tr style="height: 111.979px;"><td style="height: 111.979px;">Indian Society</td><td style="height: 111.979px;"><ul><li>Features of Indian society: Diversity, unity, pluralism</li><li>Caste system and social stratification</li><li>Tribal societies in India</li><li>Rural and urban communities</li><li>Gender issues and social reform movements in India</li></ul></td></tr><tr style="height: 89.5833px;"><td style="height: 89.5833px;">Social Stratification and Mobility</td><td style="height: 89.5833px;"><ul><li>Theories of social stratification (functional and conflict perspectives)</li><li>Caste, class, and status</li><li>Social mobility: types and factors influencing mobility</li></ul></td></tr><tr style="height: 67.1875px;"><td style="height: 67.1875px;">Sociology of Family, Marriage, and Kinship</td><td style="height: 67.1875px;"><ul><li>Types of family: Nuclear, joint, extended</li><li>Functions of family and changes in family structure</li><li>Patterns of marriage and kinship in different societies</li></ul></td></tr><tr style="height: 134.375px;"><td style="height: 134.375px;">Sociology of Religion</td><td style="height: 134.375px;"><ul><li>Power, authority, and legitimacy (Weber's theory of authority)</li><li>State and civil society</li><li>Types of political systems (democracy, authoritarianism, totalitarianism)</li><li>Political participation, political parties, and social movements</li></ul></td></tr><tr style="height: 89.5833px;"><td style="height: 89.5833px;">Economic Sociology</td><td style="height: 89.5833px;"><ul><li>Relationship between economy and society</li><li>Work, labour, and capitalism</li><li>Industrialisation and its impact on society</li><li>Globalisation and economic change</li></ul></td></tr><tr style="height: 111.979px;"><td style="height: 111.979px;">Urban and Rural Sociology</td><td style="height: 111.979px;"><ul><li>Characteristics of rural and urban societies</li><li>Urbanisation and its social impact</li><li>Rural social structure, agrarian issues, and social movements</li><li>Migration and its social consequences</li></ul></td></tr><tr style="height: 89.5833px;"><td style="height: 89.5833px;">Sociology of Gender</td><td style="height: 89.5833px;"><ul><li>Poverty, inequality, unemployment</li><li>Crime and deviance</li><li>Communalism, regionalism, casteism, and terrorism</li><li>Health, education, and sanitation issues in India</li></ul></td></tr><tr style="height: 22.3958px;"><td style="height: 22.3958px;">Environmental Sociology</td><td style="height: 22.3958px;"><ul><li>Society and environment: Theories and perspectives</li><li>Environmental movements and sustainability</li><li>Environmental policies and their social implications</li><li>Climate change and its impact on society</li></ul></td></tr><tr><td>Contemporary Sociological Theories</td><td><ul><li>Structuralism, post-structuralism, and post-modernism</li><li>Critical theory, feminism, and intersectionality</li><li>Globalisation and social theory</li></ul></td></tr><tr><td>Social Movements</td><td><ul><li>Definition and types of social movements (revolutionary, reformist, etc.)</li><li>Theories of social movements</li><li>Social movements in India: Dalit movement, feminist movement, environmental movement</li></ul></td></tr><tr><td>Population Studies</td><td><ul><li>Demographic theories and population studies</li><li>Population growth, migration, and urbanisation</li><li>Population policies and family planning</li></ul></td></tr><tr><td>Sociology of Health and Medicine</td><td><ul><li>Health as a social phenomenon</li><li>Sociological perspectives on health and illness</li><li>Healthcare systems and inequality</li></ul></td></tr></tbody></table>
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