What is UP Police Constable Syllabus 2024?

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    Answered by

    Chitwan Sharma | Contributor-Level 10

    9 months ago

    UP Police prescribes the UP Police Constable Syllabus along with the notification. Candidates can check the UP Police Constable Syllabus 2024 in the table below.

    Parts of syllabus

    Topic covered

    General knowledge

    India and neighbouring countries, scientific inventions/ developments, national/ international awards, Indian languages, books, scripts, capital, currency, sports-athlete

    General Hindi

    Question & answer from the passage, title to the passage, letter writing, word knowledge, use of words, antonyms, synonyms, one-word substitutions, sentence correction, idioms phrases

    Numerical aptitude

    Number system, simplification, decimal & fraction, HCF LCM, ratio & proportion, percentage, profit & loss, discount, simple interest and compound interest, partnership, time & work, distance, use of table & graph, mensuration

    Mental ability test

    Logical diagrams, symbol-relationship interpretation, codification, perception test, word formation test, letter and number series, Word and alphabet analogy, common sense test, letter, and number coding, direction sense test, logical interpretation of data, the forcefulness of argument, determining implied meanings.

    Mental aptitude

    Public interest, law and order, communal harmony, crime control, rule of law, the ability of adaptability, professional information (basic level), police system, contemporary police issues & law and order, basic law, interest in the profession, mental toughness, sensitivity towards minorities and underprivileged, gender sensitivity

    Intelligence quotient

    Relationship and analogy test, spotting out the dissimilar, series completion, coding-decoding, direction sense test, blood relation, problem-based on the alphabet, time sequence test, Venn diagram, and chart type test, mathematical ability test, arranging in order


    Analogies, similarities, differences, space visualization, problem-solving, analysis and judgment, decision-making, visual memory, discrimination, observation, relationship, concepts, arithmetic reasoning, verbal and figure classification, arithmetic number series, abilities to deal with abstract ideas and symbols and their relationship, arithmetical computation, and other analytical functions

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