What parallel courses can I pursue with an MBA Agri-Business Management for better career prospects?

1 Follower | 147 Views | Posted 7 years ago

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    Shivani | Contributor-Level 9

    2 years ago
    You can choose any agri-sector qualification or Diploma as a parallel course. This will boost your profile while positioning you. But there is one thing I want to emphasize further or add: internship opportunities in this profession. MBA programs in agribusiness are quite uncommon and not particularly marketable in India nowadays. Therefore, you must guarantee the job search process, which is typically called "internship. " Basically, I'm trying to say that you should put a lot of emphasis on finding an internship in this profession. It is really difficult to obtain. To sum up, I'd like to mention that in addition to getting
  • S

    Answered by

    Shikhar Patel | Guide-Level 13

    4 years ago
    For parallel course, you may opt for any certification or Diploma in agri-sector. This will definitely boom your profile while placement.
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    Answered by

    Versha chauhan | Contributor-Level 7

    7 years ago
    Courses include-Distribution techniques, Cost evaluation, Existing concerns, Advertising and promotions, Global guidelines, Tactical administration and operation. You may go for technical courses in management field such as PMP certification, Six Sigma certification, R course, Python, Advanced Excel, Edx, Google analytics, Front Office Management and Inventory Management. PMP certification can be done with the experience of 3 years or more. So, you need to have a preparatory course of PMP to take the exam. Better go for google analytics, digital marketing, supply chain management course, operation management, family business management
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    Answered by

    Deepak Singhanwal Current Student- IIT, Varanasi | Contributor-Level 8

    7 years ago
    A Master of Business Administration (MBA) program focusing on agribusiness can train students how to partake in and advance the food and farming market. MBA programs related to food and agribusiness investigate the need and importance of agronomic products, as well as expectations and possibilities in agribusiness. There are not plenty of courses in this field. Some of the common courses might include:
    Distribution techniques
    Cost evaluation
    Existing concerns
    Advertising and promotions
    Global guidelines
    Tactical administration and operation
    So do some research find some diploma or certification course based on these subjects. These programs p
  • Shiksha Ask & Answer

    Answered by

    Siddharth Bhardwaj Quantitative Analyst (Credit Risk) | Guide-Level 14

    7 years ago
    For parallel course, you may opt for any certification or diploma in agri-sector. This will definitely boom your profile while placement. But one thing I would like to add or emphasis more is internship opportunity in this field. In today's market MBA in Agri-Business is very rare course and not soo marketable in India. So you must have to ensure the job hunt process which is generally called 'Internship'. So, basically, I want to tell that you need to lay your mote stress on getting internship in this field. Which is really hard to get. To conclude; I want to say that while having some diplomas in agri sector you has to have some inte

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