What placement opportunities are given to students in India after completing B.Des from Pratap University?

0 84 Views | Posted 6 years ago

  • 2 Answers

  • Shiksha Ask & Answer

    Answered by

    ABHISHEK K If you do not go to the end, why to start? | Scholar-Level 17

    5 years ago
    Private university that offers as many courses as desired by students or perhaps as perceived by the management as to which students will flock. Within a short span of time, university has started many courses in engineering, pharmacy, arts, design, computers, etc. Perhaps due to this, the initial batches that must have passed out since last couple of could have some grievances about nonexistent facilities. But as the time is passing, university is indeed providing all promised facilities. It has a tie up with a university in Montenegro, and this must be helping in formulating of better syllabus. It has two design courses in fash
  • Shiksha Ask & Answer

    Answered by

    Group Captain Vinayak Deodhar La vie est faite pour vivre pas pour stresser | Scholar-Level 18

    6 years ago
    Pratap University was founded in 2011, near Jaipur in Rajasthan. It is a private university that offers as many courses as desired by students or perhaps as perceived by the management as to which students will flock. Within a short span of time, university has started many courses in engineering, pharmacy, arts, design, computers, etc. Perhaps due to this, the initial batches that must have passed out since last couple of could have some grievances about nonexistent facilities. But as the time is passing, university is indeed providing all promised facilities. It has a tie up with a university in Montenegro, and this must be hel

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