Engineering Mathematics:
MATRIX & VECTOR- Concept of vector -Addition and subtraction of vectors - Multiplication of a vector by a scalar - Position vector of a point - Ratio formula - Rectangular resolution of a vector - Dot and cross product - Geometrical interpretation-Distributive law .
NUMERICAL METHODS- Meaning of interpolation - Difference table - Newton's forward Interpolation formula (no deduction), Introduction to numerical integration - Formulae for composite trapezoidal and Simpson's 1/3 rule (no deduction), Numerical solution of non-linear equations - Formula for Newton-Raphson method (no deduction), Numerical solution of sy
Engineering Mathematics:
MATRIX & VECTOR- Concept of vector -Addition and subtraction of vectors - Multiplication of a vector by a scalar - Position vector of a point - Ratio formula - Rectangular resolution of a vector - Dot and cross product - Geometrical interpretation-Distributive law .
NUMERICAL METHODS- Meaning of interpolation - Difference table - Newton's forward Interpolation formula (no deduction), Introduction to numerical integration - Formulae for composite trapezoidal and Simpson's 1/3 rule (no deduction), Numerical solution of non-linear equations - Formula for Newton-Raphson method (no deduction), Numerical solution of system of linear equation - Gauss-Elimination Method (no deduction).
DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS- Definition - Order and degree of a differential equation - Differential equations of 1st order and 1st degree, Separation of variables, Homogeneous differential equations - Equations reducible to the homogeneous form, Exact differential equations - equations reducible to the exact form - problems Linear equations - Bernoulli's equations, Differential equations of 2nd order with constant co-efficient - Complementary function and particular integral.
PARTIAL DIFFERENTIATION- Function of two or more variables - Definition and meaning of partial derivatives (1st order). Homogeneous functions - Euler's theorem on homogeneous functions (no deduction).
PROBABILITY AND STATISTICS- Introduction - Random experiment - Sample space - Events Classical and axiomatic definition of probability, Addition and multiplication theorem - Related problems. Statistics - Frequency distribution, Measure of central tendency - Mean - Median - Mode - Standard deviation - Simple problems
Electrical Technology:
KIRCHHOFFS LAW- Kirchhoffs voltage and current laws, Star-delta transformations - Simple problems on all topics.
AC FUNDAMENTALS- Concept & significance of R.M.S. value, peak value, average value, crest factor and form factor of sinusoidal voltage/current - Equation of instantaneous value of sinusoidal voltage/current - Simple problems on all.
AC SERIES CIRCUIT- R-L & R-C AC series circuit (no deduction, only the expressions of voltage, current & power for sinusoidal sources), power factor, power triangle simple problems
STORAGE CELL, TRANSFOF5MER, MOTORS, etc- Basic Principles of Storage cell, DC motors, Transformer, A.C. generators & motors (No deduction & problems).