What will happen if someone misses the internal exam in Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology?

0 21 Views | Posted a year ago
Asked by Shivani

  • 3 Answers

  • D

    Answered by

    Dwight S | Contributor-Level 8

    a year ago

    The consequences of missing an internal exam at Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology (VSSUT) can vary depending on the university's specific policies and the discretion of the faculty involved.

    Don't worry yourself too much if you missed it. The college you are attending and the department you are in will determine whether or not you will receive a grade.You may receive points for certain teachers if you behave well towards them.If you have a good explanation, let Hod Sir know in a letter together with supporting documentation, and he'll undoubtedly assist you.Even if the majority of the time, internal exams are a matter of attend

  • A

    Answered by

    AARYAN . | Contributor-Level 7

    a year ago

    If a student misses the internal exam at Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology (VSSUT), the consequences can vary depending on the university's specific policies and regulations. Here are some possible outcomes:

    1. Attendance Requirements: Most universities, including VSSUT, have minimum attendance requirements for students to be eligible to appear in internal exams. If a student fails to meet the required attendance criteria, they might not be allowed to take the internal exam and could face academic consequences.

    2. Reappearance Opportunities: In some cases, the university may provide opportunities for students to appear in makeup exams

  • J

    Answered by

    Jagruti Panda | Contributor-Level 8

    a year ago

    Internal marks in Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology are calculated over the entire semester. All the practicals that you attend over the period of your semester and how you perform over the semester constitute your marks. The internal exams are conducted towards the end of the semester and constitute a little part of it. If you miss your internal exam, you will just get a little lower marks than you would have if you attended the internal exam. But you wouldn't fail. 

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