When viewing the answer key for the JEE B.Arch and B.Plan exams of the latest year 2024, the National Testing Agency (NTA) is the official web portal to visit because it is the conducting body for the examination. The provision answer key gets usually released into a few days after an examination, which helps students check their approximate scores. Students can download the answer key via the NTA portal login using application number and password or date of birth. Discrepancies could be challenged on payment of a nominal fee per question. It is published after review of challenges as final answer key which goes to consider results. There is no need to say that you would not want to miss anything about the announcements on the NTA website; hence be all about those important dates.
In fact, if you want to check the answer key for the latest year 2024 for the JEE B.Arch and B.Plan examinations, one has to visit the official website of the National Testing Agency (NTA), which has conducted the exam. The provisional answer key is generally released just a few short days after the exams, so students can estimate their overall scores.
Students can just download the answer key through NTA portal login using application number and password or date of birth. The fee is nominal per question when a student challenges a discrepancy after that. It is published after review of challenges as final answer key which goes into consider results. Now it goes without saying that you would not want to miss announcements on the website of NTA; be allegiant concerning important dates.
Institute now for students who want to view the answer key for JEE B.Arch and B.Plan examinations for the latest year 2024. Visit the official web portal of the National Testing Agency (NTA), as it conducts the examination. A provisional answer key is usually released within a few short days of an examination, because the score can be approximated by the students. Students can simply download the answer key through NTA portal login using their application number and password or date of birth.