whether Sikkim Manipal University is good for doing MBA in Finance or not? whether there is value of Sikkim Manipal University or not.?

IS Sikim Manipal Univrsity gud 4 doing MBA(Finance) or nt? whther der is value of Sikim Manipal or nt? or i shuld do PGDBA 4m SYMBIOSIS? bt symbiosis gives PGDBA which has more value in Job Market Sikkm manipal MBA degre or Symbiosis PGDBA? Plzz RPLY asap...

0 219 Views | Posted 2011-09-13 21:48:23
Asked by RICHA

  • 3 Answers

  • P

    Answered by

    Pooja Kohli | Guide-Level 11

    2011-09-14 19:31:49
    Hi Richa,
    Frankly speaking almost all the Distance education are ranked equally in the eyes of employer, so be it SMU or Symbiosis, it would be your own caliber, performance on the programme and how you use the knowledge earned at the time of job interview that would help you pull off even with a correspondence degree.
    So, if you ask me I would say choose anyone but do keep in mind that it would not be University name which would get you the job but would be your own caliber.
    I would like to add that you can join SMU as suggested by other community members reason being SMU is UGC and DEC approved and provide MBA whereas Symbiosis is only
  • A

    Answered by

    aditya chaudhary | Contributor-Level 6

    2011-09-13 22:27:06
    Richa .Remember one thing all good institute or university is belong to students. If students do hard work then reputation of Colleges are high.So think about your study n do hard work make specialization wht u learn .Sikkim Manipal University is good option for you. IMT Ghaziabad is also gud option for you
  • Shiksha Ask & Answer

    Answered by

    Nirmal Bhagat | Contributor-Level 7

    2011-09-13 22:08:02
    Although Sikkim Manipal University MBA is a recognised one, however it is always preferable to do MBA in classroom mode. You learn more by interacting with your fellow students, faculty and guest speakers. You also develop communication skills, team building skills and other soft skill in a regular course, which is not possible in a correspondence course. Given that every years thousands of regular MBAs are churning out of Management Institutes, It is highly doubtful to what extent a correspondence MBA will help you to enhance your career prospects. You can explore the possibility of joing an evenning MBA or a weekend MBA if you want

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