Which are the best books to prepare for Microsoft certification?

1 Follower | 138 Views | Posted 7 years ago

  • 4 Answers

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  • Shiksha Ask & Answer

    Answered by

    VISHNU AGARWAL | Contributor-Level 10

    6 years ago
    1. The C# Programmers Study Guide (MCSD): Exam 70483
    The C# Programmers Study Guide is the #1 best book out there to prepare for the C# Certification Exam 70483. It covers all of the topics in detail with practical examples and code challenges. This book will not only help you to pass C# Certification exam but will also help you to become a very good C# Developer in real working environment.
    2. Exam Ref 70483: Programming in C#
    This is the second best book for you to choose while preparing for exam 70483. It is very relevant to the exam topics and specifically written to pass the exam. All of the chapters are written according to the modu
  • L

    Answered by

    Lucky Lokesh | Contributor-Level 6

    6 years ago
    For MCAD/MCSD Training:
    1. MCAD/MCSD Self-Paced Training Kit: Implementing Security for Applications with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET and Microsoft Visual C# .NET
    2. MCAD/MCSD Self-Paced Training Kit: Developing Web Applications with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET and Microsoft Visual C# .NET, Second Edition
    3. MCAD/MCSD Self-Paced Training Kit: Developing Windows-Based Applications with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET and Microsoft Visual C# .NET, Second Ed4. MCAD/MCSD Self-Paced Training Kit: Microsoft .NET Core Requirements, Exams 70-305/70-315, 70-306/70-316, 70-310/70-320, and 70-300
    For MCSA/MCSE Training:
    1. MCSA/MCSE Self-Paced Training Ki
  • Shiksha Ask & Answer

    Answered by

    NITIN DESHMUKH Yard by yard its hard, but inch by inch its | Scholar-Level 17

    6 years ago
    For MCAD/MCSD Training:
    1. MCAD/MCSD Self-Paced Training Kit: Implementing Security for Applications with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET and Microsoft Visual C# .NET
    2. MCAD/MCSD Self-Paced Training Kit: Developing Web Applications with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET and Microsoft Visual C# .NET, Second Edition
    3. MCAD/MCSD Self-Paced Training Kit: Developing Windows-Based Applications with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET and Microsoft Visual C# .NET, Second Ed4. MCAD/MCSD Self-Paced Training Kit: Microsoft .NET Core Requirements, Exams 70-305/70-315, 70-306/70-316, 70-310/70-320, and 70-300
    For MCSA/MCSE Training:
    1. MCSA/MCSE Self-Paced Training Ki

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