Which are the best coaching institutes for MHCET?

0 225 Views | Posted 7 years ago

  • 3 Answers

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    Answered by

    Manish Motwani | Guide-Level 14

    7 years ago
    MHT-CET basically requires a lengthy paper to be completed within the given time limit completely without any error and silly mistakes.
    One should be made exam ready for that.
    As the course of JEE and MHT-CET is same except few topics mentioned in the Maharashtra board textbooks. So, one need not go for separate MHT-CET coachings other than JEE.
    Also, it is better to clear Advanced than MHT-CET. So, get through the whole syllabus of Advanced. It will help you to get the desired place in MHT-CET.
    For the preparations, get through the Maharashtra board textbooks, try to figure out the scenario of the whole syllabus and the way in which quest
  • Shiksha Ask & Answer

    Answered by

    Aditya Doiphode Current Student- NIT, Trichy | Guide-Level 11

    7 years ago
    MHT CET needs just practice of solving papers in required time limit, provided your fundamentals are clear. So, any classes which provides lot of question papers and doubt solving sessions would be great.
    Some classes which I would suggest are:
    Vidyalankar, Pace, KalraShukla Classes, Vidyasagar, Brilliance, Rao IIT, IITPK and Bakliwal.
    You can crack it even without coaching.
    For MHT-CET, you have to treat your board text books as holy books. MHT-CET mostly revolves around the 12th portion of State board. Make sure, you have read every single line of the textbooks for at least 3 times if you are serious about the exam. But this is not enou
  • Shiksha Ask & Answer

    Answered by

    Pravin Javheri Process Engineer | Mentor | IIT Bombay | Guide-Level 11

    7 years ago
    When it used to be AITEEE and in Maharashtra the MH-CET, it was a trend of joining coaching for MH-CET. But nowadays, the environment has become more competitive. People are preparing for JEE Mains as well. So, classes providing JEE Mains coaching provide MH-CET coaching simultaneously or separately for those students who are interested only in MH-CET. PACE is the topmost coaching center in Maharashtra. It has the best faculties for all the three subjects - physics, mathematics and chemistry. Most important thing that I would like to mention here about PACE is that from morning 8 till evening 10, separate doubt solving faculties fo

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