When you are a college student, you always have one event of the year to look forward to. An event that makes your birthday look secondary, and you save all your money to spend on this particular event. Yes, you might have guessed it right, we are talking about college fests. College festivals are a big part of college life, they are some days of carnival where you can just party and think nothing of the otherwise severe academic pressure.
Fests are the time when one can break out of the monotonous routine of college and studies and showcase ones talent and make the most of workshops and activities. This is the memorable day in the life of every college student and most of them spend the semester with the hope of the arrival of this day. Here are the best college fests that happen every year across the country that you should try and attend:
Mood Indigo is the annual cultural fest of IIT (Indian Institute of Technology) Bombay which was initiated by a group of students in 1971. The event hosts around 80,000 students from 700 colleges across the country. Dance, music, dramatics, literary arts, digital and design are some of the competition fields.
OASIS is 96 hour non-stop cultural fest conducted by BITS Pilani over four days in the month of October . Events at this fest include dance, music, stage shows, drama, fashion shows and treasure hunts.
Incident is the annual fest of NIT Surathkal and is considered one of the largest student driven fest of south India. Events such as singing competitions , dance competitions like solo dance, couple dance, street dance, Tandav and Promenade (western group dance) are conducted
Spring Fest
Spring Fest is a three day festival conducted by IIT Kharagpur . It has various literary, dramatics, photography and film based competitive events, the main highlight of this college fest is an all day open dance floor called Perpz and 'Hard Talk' wherein famous personalities present their point of view on important topics
Check out the article below for more details: