Which is better, the SSC CGL or the DSSSB TGT teacher?

0 1.1k Views | Posted 2 years ago
Asked by Shruti

  • 3 Answers

  • R

    Answered by

    ROUNAK KUMAR JHA Current Student, School of Open Learning, University of Delhi | Contributor-Level 6

    2 years ago
    First of all SSC is central government organisation while dssb is Delhi government organisation. The SSC CGL job posts and the DSSSB TGT teacher are two different fields. You can decide which one is better based on the following comparisons:1. Salary: The in-hand salary of a DSSSB TGT teacher is around Rs. 56,246. On the other hand, the salary range under CGL, depending on the post, can be as high as Rs. 63,100. 2. Job Profile: The nature of the DSSSB TGT job is more suitable for candidates who are looking for work-life balance. You can work both desk jobs and field jobs with CGL as per your post. 3. Work area: The DSSSB TGT is exclusi
  • Shiksha Ask & Answer

    Answered by

    Deeksha Dixit | Contributor-Level 10

    2 years ago
    The SSC CGL job posts and the DSSSB TGT teacher are two different fields. You can decide which one is better based on the following comparisons:
    1. Salary: The in-hand salary of a DSSSB TGT teacher is around INR 56,246. On the other hand, the salary range under CGL, depending on the post, can be as high as INR 63,100.
    2. Job Profile: The nature of the DSSSB TGT job is more suitable for candidates who are looking for work-life balance. You can work both desk jobs and field jobs with CGL as per your post.
    3. Work area: The DSSSB TGT is exclusively for teaching posts, but in CGL you can apply for a variety of posts.
    4. Department: Under CGL,
  • U

    Answered by

    Utkal University

    2 years ago
    All jobs are equally better and it depends upon individual to individual. The question seems to be about career prospects in the future. After entry into any job and you can opt many because the person gets age relaxation that otherwise is strong barrier in the present scenario. When you become a good teacher, you are securing future prospects of large number of future generations who are going to remember you always in their life. This is a huge asset only few can earn. Other placements are also fine and has its prospects.

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