Which is more difficult: to qualify as a chartered accountant (CA) or surviving as a CA after completing the course?

0 188 Views | Posted 7 years ago

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    Answered by

    Sunil Soni Management & IT Consultant | Scholar-Level 18

    7 years ago
    If you talk to various Chartered Accountants (CA), you will get different opinions on question like, "Which is more difficult to qualify as a CA or surviving as a CA after completing the course." However, you will find a common answer to this question that CA is one of the most difficult professional qualifications in India, because the passing rate of CA examination is traditionally very low. There are multiple aspirants, who leave CA mid-way, because of high rate of failure in CA examination. Therefore, we can say that clearing CA examination is tough. Indian financial rules and regulations, in term of financial reporting, taxation,
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    Answered by

    ABHISHEK K If you do not go to the end, why to start? | Scholar-Level 17

    5 years ago
    You will find a common answer to this question that CA is one of the most difficult professional qualifications in India, because the passing rate of CA examination is traditionally very low. There are multiple aspirants, who leave CA mid-way, because of high rate of failure in CA examination. Therefore, we can say that clearing CA examination is tough. Indian financial rules and regulations, in term of financial reporting, taxation, auditing, forensic accounting, corporate finance, business recovery and insolvency are constantly changing due to Government policies which leads to frequent changes in accounting systems and processes. Th
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    Answered by

    Siddharth Bhardwaj Quantitative Analyst (Credit Risk) | Guide-Level 14

    7 years ago
    This is question is difficult to answer from any perspective. Actually this is the question that we all face before the beginning of the course either it is doctor or engineer or anyone. I would say, qualifying as a CA is just the beginning of a battle. Life as a CA is even tougher. You simply cannot hide behind the excuse that you are a student once you qualify. I mean people will have all those high end expectations once you qualify, regardless of what you actually are experienced in. I would say that qualify CA and then get ready to face a bigger and more rigorous battle. It's not news for us that "life isn't easy, but you got to ke
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    Answered by

    Devi singh | Guide-Level 11

    7 years ago
    As of my opinion, Chartered Accountancy course is difficult course but your past academics is not relevant for doing this course. In this course, what matter is the dedication and the hard work. A person having average percentage in 12th class can do this course and get the All India Rank (AIR) in different levels of CA and I also had seen many students who were toppers in the school but get failed in this course. As many known teachers in field of CA having science background had done the course after failing many times in this course but what thing made him the a successful chartered accountant is the dedication towards the course as

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