Which programming languages are being taught in the course curriculum of MCA? Do they match the industry standards?

0 70 Views | Posted 6 years ago

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    Sunil Soni Management & IT Consultant | Scholar-Level 18

    6 years ago
    MCA syllabus varies in various universities. Generally, MCA syllabus includes following programming courses:
    (a) Course on Programming Fundamentals which includes basics of the C Programming Language.
    (b) Course on basic data structures along with their applications. It gives students opportunities to practice using C.
    (c) Unix and Shell Programming. Exposure to LINUX.
    (d) Course on data structure provides students opportunities to practice PL/SQL programming.
    (e) Course on basics of Object Oriented Programming and their application provides students to work in C+ and C#.
    (f) Course on Java or .NET makes students well versed in programming i
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    Adv. Ved Vinayak Law educator at Lex Logic You Tube channel. | Contributor-Level 9

    2 years ago
    The following programming courses are included in the MCA curriculum: (A) A course covering the fundamentals of programming, which covers the C programming language. B.A. Course on fundamental data structures and how they are used. It provides opportunity for pupils to practise using C. (c) Shell programming and Unix. Being exposed to LINUX (d) Students can practise PL/SQL programming in the data structure course. (e) Students can work in C+ and C# when taking a course on the fundamentals of Object-Oriented Programming and their application. Students that take a Java or NET course are well-versed in Java or C# programming. (g) The clie
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    ABHISHEK K If you do not go to the end, why to start? | Scholar-Level 17

    5 years ago
    MCA syllabus includes following programming courses: (a) Course on Programming Fundamentals which includes basics of the C Programming Language. (b) Course on basic data structures along with their applications. It gives students opportunities to practice using C. (c) Unix and Shell Programming. Exposure to LINUX. (d) Course on data structure provides students opportunities to practice PL/SQL programming. (e) Course on basics of Object Oriented Programming and their application provides students to work in C+ and C#. (f) Course on Java or. NET makes students well versed in programming in Java or C#. (g) The course of web technology exp
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    Rishi Broto Chakraborty | Guide-Level 15

    6 years ago
    Master in Computer Applications (MCA) is considered equivalent to B.Tech in Computer Science. Generally, it covers one language in every domain. For example, JAVA or .NET in OOPS, SQL or Oracle in Database, HTML / CSS or PHP for web scripting language, etc. There are numerous programming languages used by different companies. Learning all of them is an impossible task to achieve. The key idea is to train oneself to develop efficient algorithms for any problem that can be deployed in any language.
    Universities do revise their syllabus from time to time, but these revisions are not at par with the changing industry standards. However, onc

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