CUET PG syllabus for MBA programme includes Maths/ Quantitative Ability, English Comprehension, Logical Reasoning and Data Interpretation. The topics covered under each section are as below:
Maths/ Quantitative Ability: Time-Speed-Distance, Profit & Loss, Pipes and Cisterns, Work and Wages, Partnership, Simple Interest and Compound Interest, Time and Work, Percentages, and Problems on Train
English Comprehension: Sentence Improvement, Idioms & Phrases, Jumbled Para, Reading Comprehension, Paragraph Completion, English Usage Errors, Sentence Correction, One-word Substitution, Synonyms & Antonyms, and English Grammar.
Logical Reasoning: Bas
CUET PG syllabus for MBA programme includes Maths/ Quantitative Ability, English Comprehension, Logical Reasoning and Data Interpretation. The topics covered under each section are as below:
Maths/ Quantitative Ability: Time-Speed-Distance, Profit & Loss, Pipes and Cisterns, Work and Wages, Partnership, Simple Interest and Compound Interest, Time and Work, Percentages, and Problems on Train
English Comprehension: Sentence Improvement, Idioms & Phrases, Jumbled Para, Reading Comprehension, Paragraph Completion, English Usage Errors, Sentence Correction, One-word Substitution, Synonyms & Antonyms, and English Grammar.
Logical Reasoning: Based Problems, Ranking Tests, Arrangements, Direction and Distance Test, Linear, Sequencing, Matrix Arrangements, Cause and Effects, Statements Arguments, Statements and Conclusion, Statements Assumptions, Blood Relationship Tests, Number Series, Inferences, Non-Verbal Reasoning, Coding and Decoding, and Analogy Test
Data Interpretation: Pie Charts, Line Charts, Bar Graphs, Tabular Charts, Data Sufficiency, Mixed Graphs, Tabulation, Graph Number Systems, and Sets and Venn Diagrams.
The test is conducted to check the candidate's critical and analytical skills. The exam lasts 2 hours, and the candidate must attempt 100 questions. The mode of exam will be CBT (Computer Based Test).
<p>CUET PG syllabus for MBA programme includes Maths/ Quantitative Ability, English Comprehension, Logical Reasoning and Data Interpretation. The topics covered under each section are as below:</p><ul><li><strong>Maths/ Quantitative Ability: </strong>Time-Speed-Distance, Profit & Loss, Pipes and Cisterns, Work and Wages, Partnership, Simple Interest and Compound Interest, Time and Work, Percentages, and Problems on Train</li><li><strong>English Comprehension:</strong> Sentence Improvement, Idioms & Phrases, Jumbled Para, Reading Comprehension, Paragraph Completion, English Usage Errors, Sentence Correction, One-word Substitution, Synonyms & Antonyms, and English Grammar.</li><li><strong>Logical Reasoning: </strong>Based Problems, Ranking Tests, Arrangements, Direction and Distance Test, Linear, Sequencing, Matrix Arrangements, Cause and Effects, Statements Arguments, Statements and Conclusion, Statements Assumptions, Blood Relationship Tests, Number Series, Inferences, Non-Verbal Reasoning, Coding and Decoding, and Analogy Test</li><li><strong><strong>Data Interpretation: </strong></strong>Pie Charts, Line Charts, Bar Graphs, Tabular Charts, Data Sufficiency, Mixed Graphs, Tabulation, Graph Number Systems, and Sets and Venn Diagrams.<div> </div></li></ul><p>The test is conducted to check the candidate's critical and analytical skills. The exam lasts 2 hours, and the candidate must attempt 100 questions. The mode of exam will be CBT (Computer Based Test).</p>
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