Will AIMS provide degree certification after the completion of PGDM? How is it different from the distance learning program?

Asked about AIMS Institutes - Master of Business Administration (MBA)

Is it a full-time course or will be considered distance degree? Is it equal to 2 years masters degree?

0 171 Views | Posted 7 years ago
Asked by Zal Shan

  • 2 Answers

  • Shiksha Ask & Answer

    Answered by

    Rahul Ghorai | Contributor-Level 7

    7 years ago
    PGDM is not a degree, it is a certification course and AIMS provide PGDM which is under AIIMA, New Delhi. PGDM, which has no much different from MBA, it gives you more practical exposure and for placements both are given same weightage in AIMS.
    PGDM is not offered by any university, it is through AIIMA, New Delhi.
    Thank you!
  • Dear Zal Shan, Greetings from AIMS Institutes! First of all, you should be aware that PGDM is not a degree, as it is not offered under any affiliated University. PGDM offered at AIMS is under AIMA, New Delhi. Yes, it is full-time program & the evaluation process is not through internal, result will be given by AIMA. There is no differentiation between MBA and PGDM with respect to the facilities, and any other aspect but PGDM has a lot of emphasis on live projects and practical exposure. Though there are other options for MBA / PGDM, we differ through the add-on programs that we conduct like the business simulation games, exchange progr

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