Can I get admission to A.K.K. New Law Academy and Ph.D. (Law) Research Centre LL.B. course without MHCET Law?

0 10 Views | Posted 2 months ago
Asked by Shiksha User

  • 3 Answers

  • Candidates must pass the MH CET Law exam in order to be admitted to the LL.B. programme at A.K.K. New Law Academy and Ph.D (Law) Research Centre. Therefore passing this entrance exam is a requirement for admission. Candidates must achieve the minimum cutoff scores set by the academy for their respective categories and the MH CET Law score is a critical part of the selection process. To be eligible for the LL.B. program, candidates must also have graduated from an accredited university with at least 45% of the possible points. Therefore, to be admitted to this institution's LL.B. program, one must be eligible for the MH CET Law.

  • S

    Answered by

    Shiv Kumar | Contributor-Level 10

    2 months ago

    No, admission to the LL.B. course at A.K.K. New Law Academy and Ph.D. (Law) Research Centre typically requires clearing the MHCET Law exam, as it is one of the main entrance exams for law admissions in Maharashtra. However, you may want to directly contact the academy for specific details about their admission process, as requirements might vary or there may be alternatives such as direct admission or merit-based seats in certain cases.

  • M

    Answered by

    MUNI Lokesh | Contributor-Level 10

    2 months ago

    To gain admission to the LL.B. course at A.K.K. New Law Academy and Ph.D. (Law) Research Centre, candidates are required to qualify for the MH CET Law examination. Therefore, it is not possible to gain admission without taking this entrance exam. The MH CET Law score is a crucial component of the selection process, and candidates must meet the minimum cutoff scores established by the academy for their respective categories. Additionally, candidates must have completed their graduation with at least 45% marks from a recognised university to be eligible for the LL.B. program. Thus, qualifying in the MH CET Law is essential for securing a


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