Can I get an education loan for B.Tech? What are the requirements?

0 136 Views | Posted 7 years ago

  • 3 Answers

  • Shiksha Ask & Answer

    Answered by

    Manish Motwani | Guide-Level 14

    7 years ago
    Yes, nowadays, taking a loan from banks is quite easier as compared to previous time. Also if you have strong determination to study then there are many doors open for you. No financial issue can stop you from achieving your dream.
    Now loan depends on the type of college you are taking admissions into. If you are taking admission in a government college, there are several government banks which will provide you with your college fee at a very less or no interest rates. Central government funded institutions are nowadays providing a lot of convenience to financially week classes and promoting education.
    Now if you choose to go to a privat
  • Yes, anyone can get an education loan for B.Tech. I advise you to take the loan from a reputed bank. Your bank starts charging you interest on your education loan, from the time of disbursement of the loan.
    Checklist to apply for an education loan:
    Your nationality should be Indian to avail an education loan in India. Age should be minimum 18. Banks may have their limit in ages of 35 years and no educational loan is given if you are above this age.
    You must have secured admission in the B.Tech course in a college recognised by the bank you applied for loan. You have to fill the loan application form and submit an address proof, mark sheet
  • Shiksha Ask & Answer

    Answered by

    Mukul Singh Pundir | Contributor-Level 10

    7 years ago
    Absolutely, you are eligible for education loan after meeting banks certain requirements which are as follows.
    ;-You must enroll in an AICTE/MHRD approved Institute
    :-A Full time Degree is necessary
    :-You must be citizen of India
    ;-The student must be enrolled in Job oriented Prof6 degree, whether technical or non-technical
    :-Must be enrolled through all India Exam like -IIT, JEE and State Conducting exam for admission
    :-Banks provide loans up to 30 lakh to study all around the world
    He/she must be having able to produce all the necessary documents required by the bank:-
    -application form
    -Letter of admission
    -Letter from the institute for gran

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