Can I prepare for MAT in 3 months?

0 12 Views | Posted 8 months ago
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    Answered by

    Muskan | Contributor-Level 10

    6 months ago

    It is possible to study for the MAT exam in three months, but it will require significant effort and time commitment. A three-month preparation strategy for the MAT should be followed, which should cover the course and involve practice sessions. You can't wait to finish the MAT syllabus because you don't have much time, and then you can start working on sample questions and mock exams. You must do both tasks concurrently. Create a list of subjects where the most questions on the MAT exam are asked. Prioritise them first. To be sure you have understood both theory and application, study the material and work through a few sample questio

  • Shiksha Ask & Answer

    Answered by

    Vipra Shrivastava | Contributor-Level 10

    a year ago

    Yes, you can prepare for MAT exam in three months, but you will have to work on it in a very focused manner and dedicate quality time. You should follow a three-month MAT preparation plan that should include syllabus coverage and practice sessions. Since you have less time, you can’t wait to finish the MAT syllabus first and then start practicing sample questions and mock tests. You will need to do both side by side. So, make a list of topics from which maximum questions are asked in the MAT exam. Focus on them first. Study the topics and solve some sample questions the same day to ensure that you have understood theory and appli


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