Does marketing as an MBA specialization have better placements compared to other specializations?

0 91 Views | Posted 7 years ago

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    Answered by

    Deepak Singhanwal Current Student- IIT, Varanasi | Contributor-Level 8

    7 years ago
    There may be numerous factors that influence your decision regarding the area you wish to specialize in. Depending upon your priority, you may choose a field as per the market demand (job availability), your interest area, preferred job profiles and the compensation package. So, it is not that Marketing has the best placements. If you work hard in any specialization, you will find a place for you and your dream job. But, in general, we can say that stats indicate that Marketing placements are good. The reason being nowadays it is booming. Digital Marketing and Online marketing has taken the MBA world by storm and it is growing very fas
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    Answered by

    Versha chauhan | Contributor-Level 7

    7 years ago
    Yes, we can say that marketing people have enough opportunities. But this is a myth that they are having better opportunities than other specializations. Even other specializations have a huge amount of opportunities in the market. Opportunities come to those who have the ability to grab them. Therefore, the most important thing is to develop yourself no matter to which stream you belong. Along with that, it is better to get some certification such as R course, Python, Advanced excel and more. It will enhance your efficiency. I would suggest that starting your career in digital marketing and after 2-3 years of experience in the industr
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    Answered by

    Chinar Shaha pursuing MBA from NBNSSOMS Pune

    7 years ago
    it's A myth even when you think of an MBA people come with one specialisation in their mind that is marketing so it doesn't work that way in Sinhgad Institute there are more than 400 + companies come each and every year to offer placement and on your abilities they place you in the end it all comes to your ability that how much effort you put in your personal
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    Siddharth Bhardwaj Quantitative Analyst (Credit Risk) | Guide-Level 14

    7 years ago
    For getting a tagline of 'Best' you need to be different from others. What I want suggest to you is go for Corporate Marketing and Digital Marketing as well. This is the best combination for MBA in marketing field. Nowadays all the companies are planning to grow their companies in World Wide by gaining the knowledge of traditional way of MBA. I would suggest starting your career in digital marketing and after 2-3 years of experience in the industry you can go for MBA marketing which would be more beneficial for you. Due to the rising demand for digital marketers I would suggest to choose this profession as a career option and then go f
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    Answered by

    YOGESH BARANGE | Guide-Level 12

    7 years ago
    Yes, definitely, marketing is a specialization which will always have a better placements compared to other specialization. The industry will do anything to get a good marketing personnel or a sale person. The demand for the marketing personnel will be always in high and as we know what is in demand. It always have a good chances to exploit the market at its best. Therefore, marketing specialization will always bag the best placements than other specializations.

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