Does RBI prescribes the syllabus for Grade B?

0 15 Views | Posted a year ago
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  • 3 Answers

  • M

    Answered by

    Muskan | Contributor-Level 10

    6 months ago

    Yes, the RBI has prescribed an RBI Grade B syllabus. The syllabus is distinct for the Grade B Officers General position, DEPR, and DSIM. The RBI Grade B syllabus is mentioned in the notice. The syllabus is released by the examination body so that applicants are aware of the topics they must cover in order to prepare for the exam. The benefits of knowing the RBI Grade B syllabus are as follows: The RBI Grade B curriculum highlights the subjects and concepts that will be covered while studying for the exam. The RBI Grade B curriculum also indicates the weightage assigned to various units and chapters. Knowing which applicants can help yo

  • Yes, RBI prescribes RBI Grade B syllabus. The syllabus is prescribed separately for Grade B Officers General post, DEPR, and DSIM. RBI Grade B syllabus is mentioned on the notification. The examination authority releases the syllabus so that candidates can know the topics they need to prepare for the exam. The benefits of knowing RBI Grade B syllabus are given below:

    RBI Grade B syllabus describes the topics and concepts to be covered while preparing for the exam.

    RBI Grade B syllabus also mentions the weightage allotted to different units and chapters. Knowing which candidates can form a strategy on how to prepare for the exam.

    RBI Grade

  • A

    Answered by

    Anangsha Patra | Contributor-Level 10

    a year ago
    Yes, RBI prescribes RBI Grade B syllabus. The syllabus is prescribed separately for Grade B Officers General post, DEPR, and DSIM. RBI Grade B syllabus is mentioned on the notification. The examination authority releases the syllabus so that candidates can know the topics they need to prepare for the exam. The benefits of knowing RBI Grade B syllabus are given below:
    RBI Grade B syllabus describes the topics and concepts to be covered while preparing for the exam
    RBI Grade B syllabus also mentions the weightage allotted to different units and chapters. Knowing which candidates can form a strategy on how to prepare for the exam
    RBI Grade B

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