How does one go about becoming a film editor?

0 88 Views | Posted 6 years ago

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    Answered by

    Isha Bhardwaj Program Manager , Great learning | Guide-Level 11

    6 years ago
    Film editors play a major role in transforming raw footage shot for movies, TV shows or other film projects into a finished product. As editors, they will help select and organize the footage that the best conveys the storyline, the theme and the characters of the project while cutting material that is extraneous or that contains errors. This responsibility is important because it also ensures that the film meets any time constraints that may be placed on it. In addition, the editor collaborates with other crew members in adding soundtracks, special effects and other creative touches that enhance the director's vision. Creativity and a
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    Answered by

    ABHISHEK K If you do not go to the end, why to start? | Scholar-Level 17

    4 years ago
    Film editors play a major role in transforming raw footage shot for movies, TV shows or other film projects into a finished product. As editors, they will help select and organize the footage that the best conveys the storyline, the theme and the characters of the project while cutting material that is extraneous or that contains errors. This responsibility is important because it also ensures that the film meets any time constraints that may be placed on it. In addition, the editor collaborates with other crew members in adding soundtracks, special effects and other creative touches that enhance the director's vision. Creativity and a
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    Answered by

    NITIN DESHMUKH Yard by yard its hard, but inch by inch its | Scholar-Level 17

    6 years ago
    A film director is responsible for the innovative and creative elements in a film's production. In the filmmaking process, a film director needs to coach actors, approve any special effects used in the project, authorize designing of costume, determining the film locations, and make any changes, if necessary, to the script. The job is generally stressful, and film directors may go days without sleep when meeting deadlines. In addition, directing and filming requires working in a wide range of weather conditions; during rainstorms or extreme heat.
    An individual aspiring to become director needs to pursue Bachelor's degree in the film, m
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    Answered by

    Shivani Sharma

    6 years ago
    I think its first important for you to understand the difference between film and video editing first. Film cameras use 24p recording with analog tapes which creates a distinctive look which is then digitized and edited in any one the popular movie editing software's like AVID, PREMIER PRO, FCP, etc.
    To start your career as an editor, you would need to understand the basics of film editing and get plenty of hands-on editing videos using any of the reputed editing software's and slowly transition yourself into the film editing field with a proper course, try getting contacts with some film personalities, work as a junior technician, lear
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    Answered by

    Tanu Mishra | Contributor-Level 9

    6 years ago
    There's only one criterion, you need to make a movie. It can be anything from a small video project you're doing at home to a big budget blockbuster. If you were in charge of the creative process - then you are a director.
    However, you may be meant "Hollywood director" or just a well-known director. That's trickier. It requires a lot (and by that I mean a lot) of luck and skill. Also, contacts inside movie production companies and distributors are important.
    There are some directors that spent their early careers making movies on Youtube and a big director, producer or company CEO saw it and the small time Youtube director became a popul

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