How is the scope of B.Sc agriculture?

0 82 Views | Posted 6 years ago
Asked by Sushant Sharma

  • 6 Answers

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    Answered by

    Khushal Arora | Scholar-Level 16

    4 years ago
    B.Sc in Agriculture is a broad-based course with great potential. It deals with things like food production, horticulture, animal rearing, rural economy and rural development, environmental health, etc. Other industries may face downsizing but agriculture can never fall prey because food is the basic necessity for life. Feeding the world will never face a recession or a slowdown. In fact, the development in technology, research, and innovation has multiplied the scope of agriculture in a big way. B.Sc. Agriculture is one of the most booming course these days. This programme equips students with all-round knowledge of sector and n
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    Answered by

    Saurabh Sharma | Contributor-Level 10

    2 years ago
    Agriculture is one of the most flourishing sectors of the Indian economy, hence, the inclination of more and more students towards gaining a degree in this field has been prevalent. Agriculture is regarded as the country backbone, therefore taking this degree will give you plenty of opportunities to conduct research and use current technologies for successful growth and higher crop yield. While it is a common conception that Agriculture courses have a limited scope, graduates in this arena of study can actually a wide range of sectors as they are well-versed in multidisciplinary fields such as plant biochemistry, horticulture, animal s
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    Answered by

    Sameeksha kapoor | Guide-Level 14

    4 years ago
    Dear Sushant, Slowly but steadily, professionalism is making its presence felt in agriculture sector of India. Prospects of agricultural scientists and educated agriculturists are increasing, and a good number of universities are offering courses in B.Sc. Agriculture and postgraduate course of M.Sc. With various agricultural specializations like horticulture, forestry, marine fisheries, inland fisheries, sericulture, apiculture (bee keeping) aquaculture, tissue culture, plant breeding, plant biotechnology, environment management, irrigation, soil quality management, etc. We list below the prospective jobs and its average salaries in ag
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    Answered by

    Shraddha Tiwari | Guide-Level 11

    6 years ago
    Agriculture has wide scope both in India and abroad. In private as well as public sector, office jobs as well as field jobs are there. Jobs like agriculture officer and field officer in banks are there.
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    Answered by

    Aananya Sharma | Contributor-Level 6

    6 years ago
    Since India is an agrarian country, this field has wide scope and will never run out of job opportunities. Lots of Government as well as Private job opportunities are present in front of Graduates. Talking about Government jobs, State Agriculture Departments recruits Graduates to fill up Officer level posts. Government Banks also recruits Graduates to fill up Officer level posts (generally dealing with Loans)
    Talking about Private Sector jobs, graduates may find jobs as Managers at Plantations, as Officers at Fertilizer Manufacturing firms, Agriculture Machinery Industries, Agricultural Products Marketing firms, Food processing units et
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    Answered by

    rahul r | Scholar-Level 18

    6 years ago
    B.Sc. Agriculture: Career Scope:
    B.Sc. Agriculture is considered a professional degree. The graduates from this degree can find jobs in both public and private sectors. The importance of agriculture is growing rapidly and thereby is increasing the job prospects in the field of agriculture. Today Graduates with B.Sc. Agriculture are readily accepted in the government projects. Agricultural departments, Extension services, Research organizations, Commercial farming etc. Are some of the sectors where graduates of this field can find job opportunities in. Following are some job profiles that are offered to B.Sc. Agriculture graduates:

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