How much GATE cutoff do I need for M.Tech admission at IIT Gandhinagar?

0 168 Views | Posted a year ago
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    Answered by

    Mani Khanna Of Family, Friends and Food | Contributor-Level 9

    a year ago

    Before knowing the cutoff, students must understand the difference between admission and qualifying cutoff of GATE. the exam qualifying cutoff is the institute eligibility cutoff while the GATE admission cutoff ensures a call for admission at IITs, NITs, IIITs, and CFTIs. The qualifying GATE cutoff score is released by the conducting authority and available on GOAPS while the admission cutoffs are released by the individual participating institutes (IIT Gandhinagar in this question's context) and available on their respective counselling portals- GATE COAPS.

    Qualifying GATE cutoffs

    Admission GATE cutoffs

    Also referred to as eligibility cutoff, it is the minimum score required to be eligible for admission.

    It is the final opening and closing ranks score fixed by the participating institutes for final selection

    Meeting the qualifying cutoff does not mean final seat allotment for admission

    Meeting the admission cutoff does not mean final seat allotment for admission

    It is fixed before the announcement of GATE results

    It is fixed after the declaration of GATE result

    It is announced by the conducting IIT and is available on GOAPS


    It is released by the individual participating institutes and available on their respective counselling portal – CCMT/ COAP

    It includes qualifying marks for each paper

    It includes opening and closing ranks for courses offered at participating institutes

    For more information on GATE cutoff, refer to this link. 

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