I have got a call from Asian business School, IIPM and DBS. I am confuzed which one to join? Please guide me

0 75 Views | Posted 2011-09-12 19:08:38
Asked by aabha jain

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  • 2 Answers

  • Shiksha Ask & Answer

    Answered by

    anjali sharma | Contributor-Level 7

    2011-09-16 03:48:47
    If you ask me about any college such as IIPM or any other Business School I would advice you to as a rule of thumb foloww this process about a B school.
    1. What is the placements structure of the college?
    2. What is the fees and the degree affiliation of the college.
    3. What is the Course structure and Industry exposure.
    IIPM does snot have its degree recognized by any other University in India and so its one of the worst options for a BSchool candidate. They have a huge marketing budget and thats it and thats what they sell.
    I am a student at the Delhi Business School and Pursuing a MBA dual degree in Finance and Marketing. What i am
  • Shiksha Ask & Answer

    Answered by

    Manmeet Kaur | Guide-Level 12

    2011-09-14 10:15:18
    Hi, to answer your query I would like to inform you that as Shiksha is an education portal and believes in unbiased guidance so being a member of the community it would be simply not fair if I give you my personal suggestion on specific institute.But, to help, there are certain aspects to look up to which cannot be ignored while choosing the best B-school for yourself like recognition, course details, infrastructure, faculty,fees, placements, etc. As far as placements are concerned no institute can guarantee you placements. So I would suggest you to directly contact the students of that particular institute and try and get feedback abo

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