I want to know about Mechanical Engineering.

0 119 Views | Posted 3 years ago
Asked by mohd mujeeb

  • 9 Answers

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  • Shiksha Ask & Answer

    Answered by

    Puneet Singh Alumni at LPU Jalandhar | Scholar-Level 17

    2 years ago
    Dear Mohd Mujeeb, Technically, mechanical engineering is the application of the principles and problem-solving techniques of engineering from design to manufacturing to the marketplace for any object. Mechanical engineers analyze their work using the principles of Motion energy and force ensuring that designs function safely, efficiently, and reliably, all at a competitive cost. Mechanical engineers make a difference. That's because mechanical engineering careers center on creating technologies to meet human needs. Virtually every product or service in modern life has probably been touched in some way by a mechanical engineer to help h
  • Shiksha Ask & Answer

    Answered by

    Ayush Raj | Guide-Level 12

    2 years ago
    Mechanical engineering, in its most basic form, is the application of engineering ideas and problem-solving approaches to any product, from design to manufacturing to the marketplace. Mechanical engineers use the Laws of Motion energy, and force to examine their work, ensuring that designs are safe, efficient, and reliable, all at a reasonable cost. The essence of engineering is problem solving. With this at its core, mechanical engineering also requires applied creativity hands on understanding of the work involvedalong with strong interpersonal skills like networking, leadership, and conflict management. Creating a product is only pa
  • A

    Answered by

    Arshiya Singh | Scholar-Level 16

    2 years ago
    The school of mechanical engineering, LPU is one of the best university which provides quality education as well as the placements to the B.Tech mechanical students. I would like to give you some insights into some of the factors regarding mechanical engineering at LPU. Before getting yourself into distracting points, you need to know the following important facts about LPU and its Mechanical engineering course. If you want to know about the faculty members teaching here, and then let me tell you, the school has Ph.D. holder faculty members with specialisation in various fields like Aerospace Engineering, Automobile Engineering, CAD/CA
  • H

    Answered by

    heena agrawal try to give best solution.. | Scholar-Level 17

    3 years ago
  • P

    Answered by

    Pratima Banerjee | Guide-Level 13

    3 years ago
    I am a B.Tech Mechanical Engineer from LPU itself. During our learning phase at LPU we had explored various events where we were given space to bring out our creativity and technical know how. We had encouraging teachers who also use to contribute fully in nourishing our spark. LPU believes in ENGAGE-ENLIGHTEN- EDUCATE. Through the university events like YOUTH VIBE & EXPLORICA we got the opportunity to showcase our talents. They truly are a transformer. When I entered LPU I was a shy guy and today I stand as a confident Executive Engineer. All thanks to LPU. "School of Mechanical Engineering and Automobile Engineering has been
  • P

    Answered by

    pankaj sharma | Contributor-Level 8

    2 years ago
    Dear Mohd Mujeeb, Technically, mechanical engineering is the application of the principles and problem-solving techniques of engineering from design to manufacturing to the marketplace for any object. Mechanical engineers analyze their work using the principles of Motion energy and force ensuring that designs function safely, efficiently, and reliably, all at a competitive cost. Mechanical engineers make a difference. That's because mechanical engineering careers center on creating technologies to meet human needs. Virtually every product or service in modern life has probably been touched in some way by a mechanical engineer to help h
  • C

    Answered by

    chandni chauhan

    2 years ago
    Dear Mohd Mujeeb, The programme Mechanical engineering is an engineering branch that combines engineering Physics and mathematics principles with materials Science, to design, analyze, manufacture, and maintain mechanical systems. It is the branch of engineering that involves the design, production, and operation of machinery.
  • Shiksha Ask & Answer

    Answered by

    Aakanksha Jaiman | Guide-Level 12

    2 years ago
    Tap the link below for all necessary information~
    Hope it helps.
  • M

    Answered by

    Manan Aggarwal | Guide-Level 12

    2 years ago
    As far as I am aware, mechanical engineering is a fantastic field of study. I know a few excellent institutions that offer this degree. LPU is one of them. LPU's School of Mechanical Engineering is one of the top universities in the country, providing B.Tech mechanical students with excellent education and career possibilities. I'd like to tell you about some of the areas of mechanical engineering that we study at LPU. Before delving into any distracting details, you should be aware of the following important facts about LPU and its Mechanical Engineering curriculum. If you're curious about the faculty members who teach here, I can tel

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