Shreyansh, surely you have to pass 12th before you apply for BArch, you can surely take the Diploma route now. You lose 1 yr in option 1 & 2 yrs in option 2 (since you would have started the diploma after 10th). Now you choose the path you want. Alternatively if you're good in drawing and that's why you want architecture consider the field of design. Design is a field that is age old and has been evolving every year like science. They must read this Again like science it pays to be at the cutting edge. For e.g. science students do better if they go for CS or IT. Similarly in Design the cutting edge areas are UID/ UXD, 3D Printing, Immersive Technology, Augmented Reality, 3D Projection etc, besides of course Game Design & Animation. Of course at the top of the pile lies Concept Designing (usually reserved for writers and visionaries) - these people are required by Event Companies, Animation Studios, VFX Studios, & of course Game Studios. At this stage, you may want to understand the creative world and the careers it offers. There are many careers for the creative/ artistic people. Interiors, textile as well as Web Design rely on the same skills - your layout skills and color sense. Journalism also is at this level and relies on your language skills & knowledge of history and current affairs. A little higher perches Graphic Design, Fashion Design, jewellery design, Acting, & Fine Arts which rely on one of your artistic skills - sketching & imagination. At a similar level perches VFX as well as Motion Graphics which rely on one of your artistic skills - Cinematographic skills & imagination. Then come careers like Animation, Film Making, Game Design which rely on multiple talents like your authority over sketching, acting, direction, voice, sound, writing, storytelling and problem solving skills etc. Any extra skill can be used in this. So it turns out to be one of the most challenging as well as satisfying careers. Sure not recommended for the weak hearted. Do remember that digital design careers (e.g. web design, graphics, UI design, animation, vfx, multimedia) give better profits since they can be delivered anywhere in the world & hence may earn in dollars - resulting in better rewards for designers. Wish you the best for your career. Remember, your Career is a resultant of your knowledge combined with your passion & expression ability. If you like this answer you may select it as best answer or press like.