Is it compulsory to know a foreign language to apply for a job in cabin crew?

If no, is there any advantage of knowing a foreign language during placements. Which is the most preferred language?

0 2k Views | Posted 6 years ago

  • 8 Answers

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    Meghaj Ojha Jet airways - Cabin Crew In charge

    6 years ago
    English is must, as it is the basic criteria for any job. Apart from that, few airlines in abroad give preference to Bengali, French, and Mandarin etc.
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    Capt Ankur SA Pilot with Air India | Guide-Level 13

    6 years ago
    Actually there is no such compulsion to know foreign languages to get a job as Cabin Crew. You can easily get a job even without knowing any foreign language.
    But since the profile includes travel to a lot of domestic and international destinations, where you shall have to interact with people who are at times not even known to English.
    In such situations it really becomes difficult to communicate and satisfy their queries. Hence, many cabin crew join an additional foreign language course after taking the job.
    Knowing a foreign language is always advantageous when you are looking to work as a cabin crew. Specially languages of those de
  • M

    Answered by

    maurya Ankit

    a year ago
    English is a must,. .
  • S

    Answered by

    sagar sethi sethi

    a year ago
    Actually, there is no such compulsion to know foreign languages to get a job as Cabin Crew. You can easily get a job even without knowing any foreign language. But since the profile includes travel to a lot of domestic and international destinations, where you shall have to interact with people who are at times not even known to English.
  • A

    Answered by

    Anjali Mittal

    4 years ago
    No it's not compulsory it's depend on the job criteria if you're working in an international level I think you know foreign language it's an advantageous. But English language is very important with out knowing this you are not able to become a cabin crew. I hope this is helpful to you. Thaku all and I wish who wanna cabin crew may achieve their aim as soon as pool.
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    ABHISHEK K If you do not go to the end, why to start? | Scholar-Level 17

    5 years ago
    Since the profile includes travel to a lot of domestic and international destinations, where you shall have to interact with people who are at times not even known to English. In such situations it really becomes difficult to communicate and satisfy their queries. Hence, many cabin crew join an additional foreign language course after taking the job. Knowing a foreign language is always advantageous when you are looking to work as a cabin crew. Specially languages of those destinations where your employer operates or is about to operate. This helps the cabin crew department to put such people on flights so that communication with passe
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    Answered by

    VISHNU AGARWAL | Contributor-Level 10

    6 years ago
    Generally, cabin crew only needs to speak the official language of the country where the airline is based and English. However, the ability to understand and speak different foreign languages will be plus point when it comes to standing out at the time of placements.
    There is no specific language which one needs to learn, it depends on the route one travels and the destination which is not in our hands.
    If one badly wants to get into specific regions then following languages do help:
    Middle East: Arabic
    Europe: French
    Asia: Chinese
    Other common and dominant languages spoken in specific regions and airlines are Spanish, Italian, Mandarin, a
  • Shiksha Ask & Answer

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    Group Captain Vinayak Deodhar La vie est faite pour vivre pas pour stresser | Scholar-Level 18

    6 years ago
    The job of cabin crew is to ensure the safety of aircraft first and then be of assistance to the passengers on board. There are many institutions in India that are imparting training to acquire skills required to work as a cabin crew. Of course, almost every airline conducts their own interviews before recruiting these youngsters as cabin crew. In domestic flights, perhaps knowledge of English is enough but any other Indian language skill is considered as an asset. In case of airlines flying abroad, cabin crew comes across people of different nationalities who speak different languages. Hence in such scenarios, knowledge of a for

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