Is the MH-CET MBA easier than the CAT?

0 158 Views | Posted a year ago
Asked by Anita

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    Answered by

    Deeksha Dixit | Contributor-Level 10

    10 months ago
    Yes, as compared to the CAT exam, the MH-CET MBA exam is easier. The reasons behind this are:
    1. The MH-CET MBA has less competition than the CAT which is a state-level exam.
    2. There is no negative marking in the MH-CET MBA exam, unlike the CAT exam.
    3. The exam duration is longer in the MH-CET than the CAT.
    4. The nature of the questions in the Quantitative Aptitude and reasoning section is also easier in the MH-CET than the CAT. Aside from these differences, the syllabus is the same in both exams; only the MH-CET MBA question pattern differs from the CAT.
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    Answered by

    jasveer singh | Contributor-Level 9

    a year ago
    Cracking CET is comparatively easier than CAT and as a result of which, there is an escalation in the number of students opting for CET. However, both exams are different methods of testing. The CET examination consists of 200 questions weighing 200 marks. The overall difficulty level of MAH CET MBA paper is usually moderate, while CAT exam is invariably of high difficulty level. Also, since the competition is high in CAT 2 Lacs applicants) as compared to MAH CET (75,000 to 1 Lacs applicants), the question paper of former is of high difficulty level. LEVEL OF DIFFICULTY: CAT is the tougher of the two exams. Tough, in terms of the na
  • Shiksha Ask & Answer

    Answered by

    Khushoo Kohar | Contributor-Level 10

    a year ago
    It is difficult to say if the MH-CET MBA (Maharashtra Common Entrance Test for MBA) is easier or harder than the CAT (Common Admission Test) as both exams have their own distinct features and difficulty levels. Both exams are designed to test a candidate's aptitude and ability in various areas such as verbal ability, Quantitative Aptitude and logical reasoning. The difficulty level of any entrance exam can depend on several factors such as the number of applicants, the level of competition, and the level of preparation of the individual candidate. Therefore, the relative ease or difficulty of the exams can vary from year to year and fr
  • B

    Answered by

    BHARTI SHARMA | Contributor-Level 6

    a year ago
    Hello, The MBA aspirants in Maharashtra are primarily faced with the dilemma of appearing for CMAT or MAH CET. While both have their own Sets of pros and cons, it is very essential to go down the inverted pyramid of these exams to crack them with a better score. The overall difficulty level of MAH CET MBA paper is usually moderate, while CAT exam is invariably of high difficulty level. Also, since the competition is high in CAT 2 Lacs applicants) as compared to MAH CET (75,000 to 1 Lacs applicants), the question paper of former is of high difficulty level.

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